Saturday, February 4, 2017

Red Dragon (1981), a Psychological Suspense Novel by Thomas Harris: Summary

And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. – Ecclesiastes 1 : 17

Thomas Harris is a native of Mississippi and the only child of an electrical engineer. After graduating from Baylor, a Baptist university in Waco, Texas, where he studied English, he worked as a crime reporter. Mr. Harris has an intimate knowledge of police procedure and of homicide investigations and, indeed, of the psychology of the murderer. His first novel, Black Sunday, was published in 1975, followed by Red Dragon in 1981, The Silence of the Lambs in 1988, and Hannibal in 1999.

This psychological suspense brings us to meet Dr. Lecter for the first time. This paperback edition was published in 2005 by Bantam Dell, New York. The 454-page book preceded the Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal. Writer described psychopath Lecter on page 69:

“He’s a monster. I think of him as one of those pitiful things that are born in hospitals from time to time. They feed it, and keep it warm, but they don’t put it on the machines and it dies. Lecter is the same way in his head, but looks normal and nobody could tell.”

I began get familiar with Mr. Harris’s works since college and already had watched Lecter in the Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal movie. Red Dragon had been also in the movie in 2002. The thriller accompanied me on a vacation in beautiful Kyoto few years ago, so this is the second read. Of course, it is a superb murder mystery. If you are looking for one of best psychological thrillers, then you might give this one a try.

Red Dragon, a Novel by Thomas Harris: Summary 

Jack Crawford was the supervisor the two times when he left FBI academy. He asked Graham back to the field for two cases. The rare psychopath, he killed the Jacobis in Birmingham and killed the Leeds family in Atlanta. Dr. Lecter, known in the tabloid as Hannibal the Cannibal, was the second psychopath Graham had caught. The looping scar was still across his stomach. Dr. Hannibal Lecter did that with a linoleum knife. It happened a year before Molly Foster met William Graham. It nearly killed him.

He was a forensic specialist. When he finally got out of the hospital, Graham resigned from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, left Washington and found a job as a diesel mechanic in the boatyard at Marathon in Florida Keys. Will was nearly forty but he had to start new job. It was a trade he grew up. Though at first his wife Molly disagreed but she helped him pack. He would go to Atlanta and Birmingham, then came on to Washington.

William Graham had studied the detective’s report at Atlanta Homicide for most day and night. Charles Leeds was a successful tax attorney, a rangy man who liked to laugh, a man who got up and fought with his throat cut. Will watched a home movie belonging to Charles Leeds. Three week before his death, Leeds had left the film with a druggist who sent it for processing. Police found the receipt in Leeds’s pocket and got the film from the druggist.

Graham wanted to see the Leedes alive. A home video showed the children; little girl, Susan was six, the boys eight and ten. Birmingham police had found a cat buried in a shoebox behind Jacobi’s garage. Medical examiner said the cat was strangled. Mr. Parson was Leeds’s neighbor and early retirement from post office at his supervisor’s request. The report said he was “increasingly absentminded.” Parson admitted he saw a stranger read Leeds’s meter. He assured that man was not meter reader of Power Company.

Lecter had killed nine people. Dr Lecter was not crazy in any common way. He did some hideous things because he enjoyed them. He had no remorse or guilt at all – sadism to animals as a child. The sixth victim was killed in his workshop. He had woodworking equipment and he kept his hunting stuff out there. He was laced to a pegboard where the tools hung, and he was really torn up, cut, stabbed, and he had arrows in him. He was practicing psychiatry and he had a nice office.

He only said he didn’t remember much about the arrow wound, the one of the victim’s hunting detectives had brought him in. Will visited Lecter in a hospital for the criminally insane. He asked help from him to solve the Birmingham and Atlanta case. Lecter said there would be more victims and he would study it. From a car across the street, Freddy Lounds got a nice profile shot of Will in the doorways of hospital. The National Tattler cropped the picture to just Will’s face and word Criminally Insane.

Francis Dolarhyde was production chief at a big film processing company in St. Louis. He lived alone in a big house his grandparents had left him. It was a print on the wall at the foot of his bed William Blake’s the Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun. The picture had stunned him. He felt that Blake must have peeked in his ear and seen the Red Dragon. It was all he had now. The print had aroused his sexual. He enjoyed the home movie he made before he killed the Leedses.

Watching the Jacobies and the Leedses film were wonderful to him. Dolarhyde felt that the film did not actually show the deaths of the Leedes and that his own performance was poor toward the end. He had many films to make. The end of summer always brought a rush in business at the film-processing plant as vacation movies came in. Thanksgiving would bring another rush. Families were mailing their application to him every day.

Graham flew from Washington to Birmingham. He had listed the similarities between the Jacobis and the Leedes. Both couples were in their late thirties, both had children- two boys and a girl. Edward Jacobi had another son, by a previous married, who was away at college when the family was killed. Mrs. Jacobi and Mrs. Leedes were attractive. Charles Leedes was a tax attorney, while Edward Jacobi was an engineer and metallurgist. The Leedes were lifelong Atlanta residents, while the Jacobis had lived in Birmingham only three months, transferred there from Detroit.

Birmingham police had located no one who spoke to the Jacobi after noon, ten hours or so before they died. The killer had come like The Tooth Fairy. Will studied Jacobi’ house and found Chinese character craved through to the white wood. Freddy Lounds wrote about Will at the National Tattler with title Insane Friend Consulted in Mass Murder by Cop he tried to kill. Tattler had learned that Graham, former instructor in forensics at the FBI Academy. Dollarhyde studied the news. It was Will Graham the man who chased him for Atlanta and Birmingham, Hannibal the Cannibal Lecter, and Freddy Lounds, the reporter.

Lounds called the killer as the Tooth Fairy, psychopathic slayer. A small photograph of Lounds ran beside of his bylines. Dolarhyde was angry with term the Tooth Fairy addressed to him. He would like to meet Lecter, talk and share with him, rejoiced with him in their shared vision. Be recognized the One who came after, sit on him as the Dragon sat on 666 in Blake revelation series, and film his deaths as, dying, he melded with strength of the Dragon. He sent a letter to Lecter but the hospital chief staff found it and reported to Graham. Dolarhyde, the man who always avoided the sibilant /s/ in every word, came to Lounds in Chicago and burned him and throw him in front of his office. He was angry called crazy. Before Lounds’s death he uttered the Great Red Dragon.

Marian Dolarhyde Travane had borne a son in Missouri. The obstetrician remarked he looked more like a leaf-nosed bat than baby. Francis Dolarhyde was harelip. Marian was handsome girl. She screamed when she saw the baby and left him in the hospital. She could never go home again; her mother had made that clear. She first found job typing. The ex-husband showed up at her boardinghouse. In a rage Marian Dolarhyde told him about the child. But years later, drunk and brooding over Marian’s rich husband and her fine life, he called Marian’s mother. He told Mrs. Dolarhyde about deformed child, the hidden son. A week later street car cut Michael Trevane in two.

Near the end of his fifth year, Francis Dolarhyde had his first an only visitor at the orphanage. Grandmother Dolarhyde took him home with her. Marian Dolarhyde met and married Howard Vogt, a successful lawyer with solid connection to political power. Vogt was widower with three young children, an affable ambitious man fifteen years older than Marian.

After he had singed his feathers in the voter-registration scandal and blasted the attempted by the St. Louis machine to steal governorship, Vogt’s star was rising again. He was a brewery candidate for the state legislature was mentioned as a possible delegate to upcoming state constitutional convention. Marian was a useful an attractive hostess. Mrs. Dolarhyde took little Francis to his mother. Grandmother took Francis to all political rallies. Mr. Vogt lost the election.

She had been a problem since her husband’s death. What she had was a big house and her late husband’s death; she had been brought up a lady, she had no marketable skill. Grandmother Dolarhyde had been running her nursery home. Grandmother was weak and changing rapidly into cruel woman. She was confined to a private nerve sanatorium. Francis was taken to Marian house. The Vogt children ignored and bullied him. He had lived there only a month and sent away. At the age of nine, he was boarded a mile away.

At seventeen, he took Army. After basic training he was sent to specialist school in darkroom operation and shipped to San Antonio, where he worked on medical-corps training films at Army hospital. Surgeons at that hospital took an interest in him and decide to improve his face. Surgeons were proud of the result. Grandmother was released from sanatorium. With his new job at Gateway, Francis could hire a woman to stay with his grandmother. He saw his mother once, at Grandmother’s funeral in 1970. His appearance surprised his mother.

He was deep-chest and sleek, with a neat mustache which transplanted from his hair. At forty, he could have competed successfully in regional body-building competition. He was not satisfied. It was in a large, full-color photograph in Time magazine illustrating a report on Blake painting –the Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun. Time critic said few demonic images in Western art radiate such nightmarish charge of sexual energy. He posted the painting in his room and he could sleep only when he had exhausted and watched his medical films to aid him in sexual relief.

The recession of the 1970’s cut deeply into home moviemaking, and there was increasing competition. Gateway had to diversify and bought a small company next door, Baeder Chemical. He was in love with a blind a woman, Reba McClane who worked on Baeder Chemical. She had done the dark room work, keeping the many samples straight by touch code and keeping a running record in the dark. She had trained at an institute for ten years after she finished school. As a child, she learned to cope after she lost her sight.

Chicago families were frightened. The entrepreneur hit punk-rock market with Tooth Fairy T-shirts alternate line that said The Red Dragon is One a Night Stand. Sales were divided about equally between the two. Dolarhyde pulled into a station to fill his van. The attendant was looking up Reba’s dress and Dolayhyde caught him. He was about Dolarhyde’s weight and height. He was young to have dentures. The attendant was pale there was something in Dolarhyde’s face that he had never seen before, in anywhere. Although the attendant had apologized to Dolarhyde, damned murderer of eleven, but the Red Dragon still threatened him that he would catch him any time. Molly was uncomfortable staying longer at Jack Crawford’s brother house for safe house. She brought her son Willy to Oregon, besides Will’s grandparents wanted to meet him.

Dolarhyde had never seen Brooklyn Museum before, though he had its guidebook- he had ordered the book when he first saw photograph of the Great Red Dragon. Dolarhyde had learned on the phone that Great Red Dragon was rarely displayed. Dolarhyde went in behind art students. He signed register for Painting Study and mad an appointment with Miss Harper, woman that he learned from Yellow Pages. He saw the painting- Blake’s handwriting on the border. Paula Harper was dead on the floor and he ran and changed his coat and shirt into Brooklyn College T-shirt.

Will looked at the familiar green box Leeds movie came in. Their name and address were on it. It was the Gateway Film Laboratory at St. Louis. He called Jacobi attorney, Byron Metcalfe, at Birmingham. Birmingham agents checked the Jacobi movie and they found Gateway. Dolarhyde thought Reba betrayed her and he killed her ex-boyfriend, Ralph Mandy not far from her apartment. Seeing Reba kissed Mandy has stabbed Dolarhyde. He tied and brought her to his house. He admitted he was the Tooth Fairy and the Great Red Dragon; the killer of Leedses and Jacobis in the news. He also said had killed Ralph.

Missouri police found Ralph Mandy’s body in front of the house Reba. Graham linked to red Dragon and checked Dolarhyde’s office. Reba was locked and burned in the house but she saved. She told the police everything. The house was burned, they assumed Dollarhyde was dead. They found a charred human femur, the ball of hip, and the teeth. Will picked up Molly and his stepson Willy and back to their home in Marathon. Dolarhyde was still alive. The burnt man in the house was the attendant’s body and Dolarhyde put his grandmother’s teeth on the scene. He showed up in Marathon and hurt Will, but Molly shot him twice in the face.


Sekapur Sirih

“Aku telah membulatkan hatiku untuk memahami hikmat dan pengetahuan, kebodohan dan kebebalan. Tetapi aku menyadari bahwa hal inipun adalah usaha menjaring angin,”  Pengkotbah 1 : 17

Thomas Harris adalah penulis ternama berkebangsaan Amerika Serikat dengan tokoh antagonisnya yang terkenal Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Novel ini diterbitkan pertama kali pada tahun 1981. Thriller setebal 454 halaman ini dicetak oleh Bantam Dell New York pada tahun 2005.

Thomas Harris berasal dari Mississippi dan merupakan putra satu-satunya dari seorang insinyur elektro. Penulis belajar sastra Inggris pada sebuah universitas Baptis di Waco, Texas. Bekerja pada Assosiate Press New York, dia diakui sebagai reporter kriminal handal. Red Dragon mengawali karya besarnya Hannibal dan Silince of the Lambs. Kedua karya ini juga telah saya nikmati dalam bentuk film-nya, karya yang sangat bagus.

Red Dragon juga telah beberapa kali difilm-kan dan terakhir pada tahun 2002 dengan judul yang sama. Memang dalam buku ini tokoh Hannibal tidaklah berperan banyak, bisa dibilang sebagai perkenalan awal dengan tokoh Hannibal, cerita focus pada tokoh antagonis Dolarhyde yang bernama julukan Tooth Fairy dan Red Dragon.

Terbilang cukup akrab dengan karya-karya Thomas Harris semasa di bangku kuliah, hingga pada beberapa tahun lalu, buku ini menemani perjalanan saya selama berlibur di Kyoto yang indah. Tentu saja baik Hannibal maupun Red Dragon merupakan karya fiksi yang luar biasa. Bila Anda masih mencari psikologi thriller atau bahan acuan skripsi maka buku ini sangat layak dipertimbangkan.

Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia: novel Red Dragon karya Thomas Harris

William Graham sedang menikmati kebersamaannya dengan keluarganya ketika Jack Crawford mengunjunginya. Tentu saja, bukan sekedar kunjungan, mantan supervisornya itu memintanya kembali ke lapangan membantunya menyelesaikan dua kasus pembunuhan sadis. Pembunuhan keluarga Leedes di Atlanta dan pembunuhan keluarga Jacobi di Birmingham Inggris. Will sudah mengundurkan diri beberapa tahun lalu sebagai spesialis forensik pada FBI.

Dia terluka cukup parah akibat serangan psikopat Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Hampir saja membuatnya mati. Dalam usia empat puluhan, ia meninggalkan Washington dan memulai pekerjaan dalam bidang mesin diesel kapal di Marathon, Florida Keys. Pekerjaan yang dikuasainya. Walau pada awalnya berat, namun istrinya Molly akhirnya mendukung keberangkatan Graham menuju Atlanta.

Charles Leeds adalah seorang pengacara pajak yang sukses. Dari video keluarga yang diambil beberapa minggu sebelum pembunuhan terlihat mereka adalah keluarga yang bahagia dan kaya. Valerie Leeds masih muda dan menarik. Mereka memiliki tiga orang anak. Susan Leeds berusia enam tahun dan dua putranya berusia delapan dan sepuluh tahun. Kelima anggota keluarga ini didapati terbunuh sadis di rumahnya yang besar.

Pihak Kepolisian Birmingham Inggris baru saja menemukan seekor kucing mati dalam sebuah kotak sepatu tak jauh dari garasi Jacobi. Kucing itu dicekik sebelum mati. Menurut tetangga Leedes, Parson, dia melihat orang asing membaca meter listrik dari Leedes sebelum kejadian. Dia sangat yakin itu bukan petugas pencatat biasanya. Kesadisan kasus ini mengingatkannya pada Hannibal Lecter. Setelah mengadakan penyidikan, Will akhirnya menemukan Lecter di sebuah rumah sakit jiwa khusus untuk kriminal. Hannibal tidaklah sepenuhnya gila, dia saat ini sedang mengerjakan jurnalnya. Entahlah apa istilah yang tepat pada pembunuh massal itu.

Hannibal dulunya adalah seorang psikiater dan membuka praktek dengan kantor yang bagus. Korban keenamnya disiksa di ruang prakteknya dikaitkan pada papan kayu gantungan dan dipanah hingga terluka parah. Ketika polisi membawa korban luka tadi padanya, dia sama sekali tidak merasa bersalah dan tidak mengingat apapun begitu kilahnya. Dia sama saja sadisnya membunuh seekor binatang dan seorang anak. Will hendak meminta bantuan Hannibal untuk memecahkan dua kasus sadis itu. Hannibal memang mengikuti kasus itu di koran dan dia mengatakan  pelakunya seorang dungu dan korban lain akan berjatuhan. Dia bersedia membantu Will.

Freddy Lounds dari kejauhan mengambil gambar Will tepat pada tulisan Rumah Sakit Jiwa untuk Para Kriminal. Di harian National Tattler, reporter itu menuliskan tentang Will rupanya dia telah mengetahui bahwa Will seorang mantan spesialis forensik FBI yang menangani pembunuhan sadis pada kasus Lecter. Dalam koran itu juga disebutkan Will telah sempat dirawat di rumah sakit jiwa karena depresi menangani dua kasus psikopat yang ditanganinya. Polisi itu minta konsultasi dengan psikopat. Terdapat pula foto Will, Lecter, dan foto inset Lounds.

Dolarhyde adalah seorang kepala produksi pada perusahaan pemrosesan film Gateway laboratory di St. Louis. Lelaki berumur empat puluhan itu agak bermasalah dalam penyebutan sillabi ‘s’.  Dia tinggal sendirian di rumah besar warisan kakek neneknya. Dia sangat terobsesi dengan lukisan  karya Blake berjudul: the Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun.

Will pun terbang ke Birmingham untuk menyelidiki pembunuhan keluaraga Jacobi. Menurut polisi setempat tidak ada kontak dengan sesiapapun sebelum mereka berlima dibunuh. Setelah mempelajari kedua korban pembunuhan itu, baik Jacobi maupun Leedes sama-sama memiliki tiga anak. Istri mereka juga sama-sama cantik dan menarik. Namun Jacobi memiliki anak dari pernikahan sebelumnya, ketika kejadian sedang berada di kampus saat kejadian. Keluarga Leedes tinggal lama di Atlanta tidak seperti Jacobi yang baru saja pindah dari Detroit. Bila Leedes adalah pengacara bidang pajak yang sukses, Jacobi seorang insinyur metalurgis dan keduanya sama-sama berada. Kedua keluarga sama-sama suka merekam video keluarga dan memiliki proyektor.

Dolarhyde selalu mengikuti pemberitaan akan pembunuhan Leedes di koran. Dia sangat marah ketika wartawan menjulukinya the Tooth Fairy dan pembunuh gila. Tetapi dia mendapat informasi tentang penyidik William Graham, alamat rumah sakit Hannibal dirawat, dan wartawan Freddy Lounds. Dia ingin bertemu dengan Hannibal dan berbagi dengan sang psikopat itu.

Dolarhyde pun mengintai Lounds dan melemparkannya di depan kantornya dalam keadaan terbakar. Tentu saja kejadian itu membuat takut Will dan segera menyelamatkan istri dan anak tirinya Willy. Keduanya sementara tinggal di rumah saudara Jack Crawford. Kepolisian Chicago dan penduduk Chicago ketakutan dengan pembunuhan Lounds. Tak berselang lama Freddy pun meninggal namun dia sempat mengatakan the Red Great Dragon.

Marian Dolarhyde Trevane pergi sendirian ke sebuah rumah sakit membawa bayi Francis Dolarhyde di kandungannya. Anak lelaki yang oleh bidannya dikatakan hidung kelelawar. Wajahnya sangat buruk ditambah sumbing pada bibir atasnya dan rambutnya yang tidak tumbuh membuat Marian berteriak histeris dan meninggalkan bayi itu. Ibunya sudah menegaskan bahwa dia tidak diterima lagi di rumah itu. Wanita cantik itu pun bekerja pada kantor kecil. Mantan suaminya Michael Trevane pernah muncul tiba-tiba dan menanyakan anaknya. Namun saat itu Marian mengatakan bahwa anak mereka telah meninggal.

Beberapa tahun kemudian Marian bertemu dan menikahi seorang pengacara sukses. Trevane pun muncul dan marah mendatangi rumah besar suami baru Marian dan dengan marah Marian mengakui anak mereka. Michael pun menelpon ibu Marian mengatakan keberadaan anak itu. Bebera minggu kemudian Micahel mati tertabrak di jalan raya. Ny. Dolarhyde pun mendatangi panti asuhan di mana Francis dibesarkan.

Setelah berusia lima tahun kunjungan neneknya adalah kunjungan pertama dalam hidupnya. Sang nenek pun membawa anak itu tinggal bersamanya. Suami Marian tengah masa kampanye untuk pemilihan parlemen dan ibunya muncul membawa Francis. Anak yang selama ini disembunyikan itu. Sang nenek pun membawa-bawa anak itu selama reli kampanye. Suami Marian pun kalah dalam pemilihan itu.

Nenek Dolarhyde tinggal di rumah besar namun sejak kematian suaminya perekonomiannya sulit. Dia adalah tipikal nyonya rumah yang tidak punya kemampuan untuk hidup. Akhirnya dia membuka rumah perawatan untuk orang tua. Sang nenek mulai berubah menjadi kasar dan keadaannya fisiknya makin melemah. Sikapnya sudah sangat keterlaluan tidak hanya pada Francis namun pada pembantunya.

Marian pun mengirimkan ibunya ke sebuah sanatorium dan membawa Francis bersamanya. Namun anak-anak suaminya tidak menyukai Francis, membuli, dan memukuli anak itu hingga berdarah. Dia hanya bertahan sebulan di rumah itu karena dia membunuh kucing saudari tirinya. Dia pun dikirim ke sekolah asrama pada usia sembilan tahun.

Usia tujuh belas tahun dia mendaftar diri bergabung dengan militer. Setelah mendapat pelatihan dasar dikirimkan belajar perfilman yang bekerja pada ruangan gelap dan setelah itu ditempatkan pada sebuah rumah sakit. Dalam rumah sakit itu dia berkesempatan melakukan operasi guna memperbaiki wajahnya. Operasi itu pun berhasil. Neneknya pun kembali dari sanatorium dan dia menggaji seorang pembantu mengurus neneknya.

Ibunya sangat kaget melihat rupanya yang baru saat ketemu dalam penguburan neneknya. Dia pernah memenangkan kompetisi body-building di kotanya. Namun dia kurang puas dengan tubuhnya yang kekar. Membaca sebuah artikel tentang lukisan karya William Blake berjudul: The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun dan kritikus majalalah Time mengatakan gambar iblis seperti Red Drgaon dipercaya masyarakat barat mampu membangkitkan gairah seks.

Dia pun menempelkan poster lukisan itu di kamarnya. Dia merasa nyaman dengan melihat poster itu dan menonton video keluarga Leedes dan Jacobi yang diambilnya sebelum mereka mati. Tontonan dan poster itu mampu membangkitakn seks pembunuh terkutuk itu. Dia sangat menyukai video-video itu. Keluarga-keluarga akan selalu mengirimkan video mereka untuk diproses. Dolarhayde sangat menyenanginya dan telah mengincar keluarga baru.

Perusahaan Gateway dimana dia bekerja membeli sebuah perusahaan kecil kimia di sebelah kantornya. Reba McClane karyawan Baeder telah memikat hatinya. Gadis buta itu adalah petugas bagian penyimpanan ruang gelap dan telah terlatih dengan meraba kode rekaman. Sebelum bekerja di situ dia telah sekolah pada institute khusus untuk orang buta dan sempat bekerja di sana. Keduanya pun menjadi sepasang kekasih.

Suatu hari hendak mengantarkan Reba pulang mereka mampir mengisi bahan bakar pada sebuah stasiun pengisian. Petugasnya melihat Reba dengan tidak sopan dan Dolarhyde memergokinya. Petugas pompa bensin yang masih muda dengan gigi palsu yang tidak terawat. Tubuh dan tingginya mirip dengan Dolarhyde. Dia itu belum pernah melihat wajah seperti itu dan dia pun segera meminta maaf. Tapi Dolarhyde tetap mengancamnya dia akan datang padanya.

Dolarhyde mendapati Reba dicium oleh mantan kekasihnya di depan pintu apartmen gadis itu. Dia merasa dihianati Reba padahal sebenarnya ciuman itu adalah perpisahan mereka. Reba telah mengatakan pada Ralph Mandy dia sudah memiliki kekasih baru. Dolarhyde menembak Mandy tak jauh dari apartment Reba dan membawa gadis itu dalam keadaan terikat ke rumahnya. Dia hendak membunuh gadis itu.

Dolarhyde mengaku telah membunuh Mandy dan mengakui bahwa dirinyalah pembunuh sadis,the Tooth Fairy dan Red Dragon yang diberitakan. Dia pun mengurung Reba dan membakar rumah itu. Polisi Missouri mendapati Ralph dibunuh dan menyelidiki apartment Reba dalam keadaan tidak terkunci mereka mempelajarinya dan berakhir pada Dolarhyde. Will pun sadar bahwa video kedua keluarga berlabelkan Gateway Laboratory.

Mereka juga mempelajari kantor Dolarhyde dan tidak mudah bagi mereka mendapatkan alamat rumah Dolarhyde. Will dan tim mendapati rumah itu terbakar dan Reba selamat dia pun menceritakan semuanya. Sesosok tubuh terbakar dan tinggal tulang dan gigi didapati dari tempat kejadian perkara. Will pun menjemput istri dan anak tirinya Will dan kembali ke rumah mereka di Marathon.

Sangat tidak diduga Dolarhyde masih hidup, dia tiba-tiba muncul dan menyerang Will hingga terluka parah. Molly pun berhasil menembak mati lelaki sadis itu. Laporan pun didapat kalau tubuh yang terbakar adalah petugas pompa bensin dan gigi itu adalah gigi nenek Dolarhyde.

Suatu Masa di Kyoto

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