The 396-page book was published by Arrow Books in 1989 and
first published in 1988. Christopher Fowler is British novelist. Occult,
mystery, murder, history, love, betray, and rooftop action: ropewalking,
loping, leaping, and swinging on invisible ropes are twisted into unique story.
Roofworld (1988), a novel by Christopher Fowler: summary
A man called Imperator Chymes led an unusual rite,
sacrificing a boy with powering the black powder covering his body for impurity
of soul. His mouth was full of the sour of black mud, the boy refused to turn
about and confront his captors. The light of London streets seemed blurred and
muted by the falling rain. The body fell like a burning comet, his body ablaze
with electrical fire, and he hit the rain-bloated gutter of the city street
Robert Linden worked for a film production company. He was
interested on filming an untraceable novel The New Legacy. The novel would be
filmed but he hardly found retaining the rights to the book. Robert Linden had
got an untraceable book and a dead author, and the only person who can help him
has gone missing. Then he called the publisher and giving him author’s agent.
The offices of Paul Ashcroft & Associates informed him that Charlotte
Endsleigh died recently. The old lady died at her home two weeks earlier, and
it seemed she had misfortune to surprise the burglar. She was long divorced,
but there was a daughter, Sarah, and by rights all decisions concerning the
disposal of Charlotte Endsleigh. Sarah had vanished the day her mother was done
in. Nobody mentioned her coming back to town.
The death boy who fell from a Coca-Cola sign was on the
news. Stanley Cutt was there, journalist, a tabloid hack. A year earlier,
Hargreave’s reputation had suffered badly when Cutt’s newspaper had publicly accused
him of mishandling a case. Detective Chief Inspector Ian Hargreave had
preliminary diagnosis on the boy, but Sergeant Janice Longbright was stick on
waiting for the lab analysis. They found over forty feet of fine nylon tied
around his waist and black dust in his mouth. Ian Hargreave studied it couldn’t
have been an accident or committing suicide.
Rose Leonard was a former secretary and she enjoyed her
new-found hobby. She had intended to set her tripod upon the roof and took some
photographs of the curving terrace in the moonlight. The girl from second
generation West Indian family was sure that she would graduate to developing
her own photographs. The night was clear and cool and she was alone on the
rooftops of London. She saw strangest things. Running figures, some loping,
some of swinging on invisible ropes, bounding and leaping across the angled
rooftops on the other side of the city. She managed the block alone. It’s her
who got in troubles if they had vandals. She found them carving things on the
floor. She didn’t call the police she Rose feared they came back and gave her a
hard time. Charlotte was broke, and she even hardly paid her apartment.
Charlotte’s novel brought Linden to her life. Rose and
Robert studied the photographs. They looked like inhuman, she found a girl in
her late teens, dark, and attractive, her pale face, and free from make up. It
was Sarah. She remembered the girl with black lipstick, purple hair, chalky
face, fierce stuff. She had a shouting match with Charlotte. She turned up with
a couple of creepy-looking dudes who looked like they were on drugs.
Charlotte’s diary was led Linden to Order Roofworld. The group of people
carried out its operations in accordance with phases of the moon. It’s headed
by the ancient Greek deities.
Sarah told her mother about these people. Charlotte wrote it
into a novel. The word of the New Age in her novel has brought the old lady to
her death. Nathaniel Zalian was appeared on the note. The doctor was practising
physician at a hospital in 1980, but he had to give his resignation request
after allegation of malpractice. His case was settled out of court. The
divorced man in 1982 was subsequently joined alcoholic rehabilitation program.
But he vanished after selling his apartment and closing bank account, and
missing drug case.
The city was full of Christmas shoppers. Detective Chief
Inspector Ian Hargreave gave his man task of removing second victim’s body from
atop railings building. There had connection with the two deaths before. The
boy with mouthful of Egyptian silt, raven’s feathers, falling from the roof,
chemical elements, a few drug traces. Ian tried to link the murder to ancient
Egyptian. The third body was bald,
naked, and of the male gender, it’s only eyes and fingernails showed white. It
appeared to have fallen from the sky. Detective Constable Martin Butterworth
had entered the force in order to keep peace with his father, the commissioner.
Ian assigned him to investigate the three deaths.
Rose and Robert was now a team to find Sarah. The
photographs and Charlotte’s notebook led them to some name, Sarah’s friend.
Nick from 7N Krewe knew about Michael aka Toad. He gave them a name. Simon said
normally a person wouldn’t be allowed to meet with the group just because need
to locate someone. The group came from university graduates, Rastafarians, and
punk and they were all hundreds. A lot of people below the poverty line were
willing to give up what little they had and started over.
Back in the twenties, the Roofworld wasn’t just a way out,
but it was a sanctuary for anyone who needed to drop out of sight. There were
about thirty of them left and a few day most of them would be gone. Simon, Jay,
and Lee ushered them like a new member. They taught Rose and Linden how to
using the equipment. In second, Rose was halfway across the space between two
buildings. She was exhilarated by her successful crossing and nobody noticed
they were up the rooftops. Most of members were taught ropewalk. There was
always been a symbolic ceremony for those who wanted to become part of the
The blonde man reached the far side of the roof and sat down
on the low concrete lip running around the edge, inviting Rose and Linden did
the same. Sarah was her lover and she had done dangerous thing. She had told
her mother about New Age. The object she was sworn never to mention to
outsiders. Zalian wanted Charlotte’s notebook to discover Sarah’s exact
Finch, the forensic man, studied the body with purely
professional interest. Before his death, Nick had been dragged over thighs like
cobbles or bricks. There were brick fragments scraping the femur and tibia.
Stanley Cutt may have filed some pretty dumb stories in his time. When his
informant, Nick, failed to reappear in the arcade the previous night, he had
begun to sense that something was seriously wrong. Stan could still smell a
powerful story in making. It had taken time and money and even a couple of drug
purchases. He had been introduced to member of N7 Krewe in particularly to Nick
who had a body of a sickly child. Nick was greedy for money. Stan struggled to
release his hands from their binding, knowing now Nick was dead and his death
was sure to follow the suit.
Zalian was almost certain that Chymes will try to locate the
Roofworld. Under the leadership of Zalian , each day in the Roofworld had taken
on different aspects an extraordinary adventure. He had given theme a sense of
community and purpose. Zalian had been their teacher, their guide, their friend
and adviser. New Age was taken their leaders, their best men and women. They
were torturing them, and they would kill them. Just as the Roofworld was an old
society rooted in good, but Chymes seemed to honor something much more ancient
and evil. Zalian was Sarah’s lover. When Zalian asked for volunteers to
infiltrate the New Age, Sarah wanted to go like Toad and Samuel. Sarah was
Roofworld stole from the major multi international
corporations. Lee was one of the best hackers. When long-termers had enough up,
they returned to the ground. Roofeters started peaceful and ordered life – the
Old Boys network. They fixed up old Boys and Girls with jobs at the multies, as
janitors, secretaries, clerks at every level. They just kept their eyes and
ears open and reported back to up. In return, Roofworld paid them supplementary
More people became Chymes’s disciples. New Age gave
attractive package; free drugs, money, and sex, whatever he felt like offering them.
In return was their loyalty. By taking control on Roofworld, New Age would be
complete. The twelve key members of Zalian’s order would be sacrificed. The
doctor and his Roofworld would be destroyed. Butterworth was sent up to find
out what happened. The two orders was at the rooftop’s fighting. Chymes’s body
trashed and banged against the wall of the tower and his rival got hurt. The
battle ended, the remaining members of the New Age were skulking away like
wounded animals, adrift without their leader.
Butterworth gave his final report to Hargreave- a false
report. Chymes was a one-time mental patient. He had developed a penchant for
climbing tall buildings. His habit of kidnapping random and subsequently took
on murdering them on the tops of London landmarks. No gang wars, no rituals
killings, just the workings of a deranged maniac. But Hargreave found W. Chymes
and by his calculation, Chymes would be approximately one hundred and twenty
years old.
He imagined the existence of a centuries-old society whose
leaders had taken turns to adopt the mantle of ancient alchemist known as
Chymes. He wanted to investigate the matter further, but then thought struck
him. If the press ever got this one, they would drag his tarnished reputation.
It was too great risk to take. Butterworth was pleased that he had finally
figure out what to do with his life. Sarah kindly has granted Linden the rights
to her mother’s book. Zalian was at rest now. Sarah and Lee buried him. Five
months later, Linden delivered the first draft of Newgate Legacy script to the
agent. Rose and Butterworth joined the Roofworld.
Sekapur Sirih
Pada awal halaman sejumlah deretan kata agak sulit dicerna,
namun halaman demi halaman berikut makin mudah dipahami. Sejumlah kata kerja
dan kata benda yang tidak umum banyak ditemui, membuat karya ini istimewa. Buku
bertema okultisme, misteri, dan thriler ini kurang tepat bagi pembaca pemula
pembelajar bahasa Inggris. Christopher Fowler adalah novelis berkebangsaan
Inggris. Buku sejumlah 396 halaman ini diterbitkan oleh Arrow Book Inggris
tahun 1989, sedangkan edisi pertamanya tahun 1988.
Ada secuil ketidakpuasan tersisa, yakni kurang luasnya
paparan akan tokoh jahat Chymes, tapi plot ceritanya cukup menarik; membuat
penasaran apa sesungguhnya ordo atau perkumpulan Roofworld yang gemar melompat
atap gedung, apa motif mereka membunuh para anggotanya, dan dari mana sumber
dana untuk bertahan hidup ditambah perlengkapan mahal kegiatan organisasi. Buku
ini mengandung kesadisan, darah tertumpah di sepanjang cerita sehingga lebih
cocok bagi pembaca cukup umur.
Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia: Roofworld (Dunia Atap)
karya Christopher Fowler
Seorang pekerja rumah produksi film tengah mencari tema
untuk film. Robert Linden telah mempelajari sebuah novel unik menurutnya, The
Newgate Legacy. Sang pencari ide pun semakin penasaran, sebab penulis baru saja
mati terbunuh, ditambah kesulitan mencari Sarah Endsleigh, anak
satu-satunya dari penulis. Pengacara
novelis itu sudah mengingatkan, jika novel itu sama sekali tidak laku di
pasaran, tapi Robert tetap bersikukuh memasukkan dalam daftar pekerjaannya.
Berbekal alamat apartmen mendiang novel, Robert pun berkenalan dengan pengelola apartemen yang juga tinggal
di blok yang sama dengan Charlotte
Endsleigh. Selain pengelola, gadis berkulit gelap, Rose, bisa dibilang nama
dari kelas menengah, kini memiliki hobi fotografi.
Wanita muda yang pernah bekerja sebagai sekretaris, senang
menuangkan hobinya di atap apartemennya. Secara tidak sengaja, dia menangkap
kegiatan aneh dan sempat mengabadikan beberapa gambar pada kamera. Aktifitas
ganjil di atap-atap gedung. Sekelompok
orang meloncat, melompat lincah dan cekatan seperti monyet di hutan.
Menurut laporan polisi dan keterangan saksi, Charlotte
Endsleigh, telah dibunuh dalam upaya perampokan beberapa hari yang lalu. Rose
sendiri ragu, sebab membayar uang apartemen saja wanita tua itu kesulitan.
Setelah kematian ibunya, putrinya Sarah sulit ditemukan dan menghilang entah ke
mana. Aneh juga, keluarga pewaris membawa beberapa kardus barang berharga
mendiang Charlotte, padahal selama ini mereka tidak pernah peduli pada wanita
tua itu. Dari apartemen Charlotte, Robert menemukan sebuah diari yang
tertinggal, catatan harian yang cukup aneh. Namun setelah disimak banyak
mengungkap misteri dan beberapa bagian berkaitan dengan novel yang dibacanya.
Rose dan Robert kian akrab. Robert botak dan terlihat tua
dalam usia tiga puluhnya sementara Rose cantik, muda, dalam usianya yang ke dua
puluh lima, keduanya terlihat kurang sepadan. Kini mereka tengah berusaha
mencari keberadaan Sarah, untuk ijin pengangkatan novel itu menjadi film. Foto
hasil jepretan Rose rupanya sangat membantu. Wajah wanita pucat tanpa riasan
make-up, dengan rambut ala punk muncul dengan anak punk lainnya dalam foto.
Pelompat atap itu ternyata tidak lain adalah Sarah. Keduanya pun mendatangi
beberapa anak punk demi mencari teman Sarah.
Dengan petunjuk anak punk yang juga merupakan anggota
perkumpulan itu, Nick seorang anak muda
yang lebih tepat dinilai sebagai anak bandal dan bertampang pecandu narkoba,
memberi petunjuk nama orang dan nama bar di mana menemukan Sarah atau
kawan-kawannya. Robert dan Rose berhasil bertemu Simon. Anak muda itu dengan
sukarela dan akrab menceritakan perkumpulan mereka namun dia tetap saja tidak
memberitahu di mana keberadaan Sarah. Dalam catatan harian penulis Charlotte,
dijelaskan sekilas tentang ordo New Age dengan penjelasan samar.
Berita tentang tiga orang korban jatuh dari atap di kota
London menjadi berita besar, di tengah suasana beberapa hari menjelang perayaan
Natal pada tahun 1980-an. Di saat mal dipadati para pembelanja, lagu Natal
diperdengarkan, riuhnya aktifitas taksi kota metropolitan itu, tiga mayat
lelaki muda mati dan terjatuh dari atap. Berita yang mengkuatirkan warga
London. Ketiga korban memiliki kesamaan: sama-sama anak muda punk, leher atau
tubuhnya sudah dijerat oleh benda metal sebelum dijatuhnya, ditemukan simbol
penyembahan Mesir kuno. Tentu saja nurani Detektif Ian Hargreave dan rekannya
Janice Longbright membuncah, selain didesak media untuk segera menyelesaikan
kasus sadis itu.
Wartawan yang biasa meliput kriminial, Stanley Cutt memberitakan
ketiga pembunuhan dan Ian pun menaruh
curiga pada jurnalis itu. Kehadirannya selalu sigap, datang ke tempat kejadian
perkara, selalu mendahului polisi. Cutt juga pernah menulis tentang kesalahan
Ian Hargreave dalam sebuah kasus, mempermalukan reputasi sang detektif kepala
Rose dan Robert sama-sama berkesimpulan pada penyembahan
okultisme. Robert sadar bahwa kumpulan itu berbahaya namun dia dan Rose sudah
terlanjur terlibat dan menceburkan diri bergabung dengan ordo Roofworld demi
mencari keberadaan Sarah. Nick telah dibunuh dan Simon kawan Sarah hilang
diduga dibunuh, dan Lee lelaki berwajah Asia hilang. Kini Robert dan Rose dalam
masalah serius, mereka berada di tengah pembunuhan sadis bertolak belakang
dengan kehidupan mereka. Kehidupan jauh dari keadaan pembunuhan. Jurnalis Cutt
ditemukan mati mengenaskan, seperti si tamak Nick, sebagai nara sumber
rahasianya selama ini. New Age tidak memberi ruang bagi mereka bila terlalu
jauh bicara tentang ordo mereka.
Dr. Zalian sosok yang disebutkan oleh Charlotte dalam
catatan hariannya, tidaklah sejahat yang dibayangkan. Lelaki pirang dan
bersahaja menyambut Rose dan Linden sebagai anggota Roofworld. Keduanya telah
melalu tes dan dibekali pelatihanan lompat atap gedung sebelum dibaptis menjadi
anggota Roofworld. Penuh keyakinan, Linden menuduh Zalian telah membunuh
Dokter praktek pernah berhadapan dengan hukum meyakinkan
Linden, kelompoknya sama sekali tidak membunuh wanita penulis itu. Charlotte
telah menuliskan ordo New Age pada novelnya, objek yang tidak seharusnya
dibeberkan pada publik. Ordo New Age yang dipimpin Chymes bertanggung jawab
atas pembunuhan itu. Sarah, gadis punk, adalah kekasih Zalian semasa di
Roofworld. Gadis itu bergabung dengan Chymes, diam-diam sebagai mata-mata pada
organisasi bentukan Chymes.
Mantan murid dokter itu telah berhianat dengan membuka ordo
baru bernama New Age, perkumpulan yang sangat keras dan sadis. Apalagi jika
bukan silau kekuasaan, Chymes bertindak gila menyimpang dari semangat
Roofworld. Sebagian besar anggota Roofworld telah berpindah pada New Age.
Padahal Zalian telah membangun Roofworld dari keruntuhannya, organisasi itu
hampir mati setelah lima decade, akan tetapi dokter itu mampu menghidupkannya
Pendiri awal Roofworld membangun perkumpulan itu karena
kekecewaan mereka akan dunia bawah. Anggota mereka sangatlah beragam, dari kaum
Rastafarian, punk, sarjana, dan orang-orang di bawah garis kemiskinan. Mereka
tidak membunuh. Menikmati kehidupan di atas gedung terasa lepas. Melompat sana-sini
tanpa ada yang tahu, anggota mereka sempat ribuan orang pada awal tahun 20-an.
Kini Zalian hanya memilki 32 anggota saja dan beberapa hari lagi Roofworld akan
mati. Pesaingnya New Age telah menguasai dunia atap.
Chymes menawarkan kebebasan pada anggota New Age, konsumsi
narkoba, seks, serta kemewahan yang tidak mereka dapatkan dalam ordo Roofworld.
Pendanaannya juga meniru pola Roofworld dengan meretas rekening perusahaan
raksasa. Ahli peretas dan semua kaki tangan Roofworld dibajak ordo pesaing. Kaki
tangan yang selama ini hidup di antara manusia di bawah; ditempatkan di
gedung-gedung bekerja seperti normal, dari satpam hingga penyapu jalan
bergabung dengan Chymes. Mereka mengadopsi ritual Mesir kuno dan Yunani kuno.
Chymes semakin gila dengan membunuh tiga anak muda, melakukan ritual sadis
masyarakat kuno dari masa lalu. Menjerat leher korban dengan kabel, memasukkan
lumpur hitam, dan menyuntikkan cairan kimia, hingga menjatuhkan ke jalanan kota
London. Seolah New Age menghiraukan keberadaan hukum dan penghuni di London.
Kini Zalian dan Linden menjadi satu tim untuk menyelamatkan
Sarah. Pertarungan dengan alat modern terjadi di atap tanpa diketahui
orang-orang bawah. Mereka cekatan berjalan di atas kabel, melompat antar
gedung. Tidak mudah mengalahkan kelompok New Age karena mereka lebih banyak dan
perlengkapan lebih lengkap. Dengan bersusah payah, akhirnya New Age mundur satu
persatu setelah pemimpinnya Chymes terbunuh. Banyak korban jatuh termasuk
Tidaklah sia-sia, Linden akhirnya mendapat persetujuan dari
Sarah untuk proyek pembuatan film. Bahkan gadis itu memberikan hak cipta karya
ibunya pada Linden. Rose Leonard memilih menjadi anggota Roofworld. Rupanya
detektif muda Butterworth lebih tertarik dengan dunia atap ketimbang menjadi
polisi. Niatnya menjadi polisi hanyalah ingin berdamai dengan ayahnya, seorang
komisioner. Selepas memberikan laporan palsu atas sejumlah kematian mengenaskan
di pusat kota London, atas kejahatan Chymes, detektif bermuka imut mengundurkan
diri. Hargreave mempelajari laporan Butterworth dan meragukannya.
Nama Chymes muncul di pangkalan data computer, bila dihitung
dia telah berumur seratus dua puluh tahun. Kepala polisi itu hendak menyelidiki
lebih lanjut, tapi sesuatu menghentikan pikirannya. Jika kelak wartawan
mengetahui sebuah ordo dipimpin oleh orang yang berumur seabad, maka jelas
reputasinya akan memburuk. Dia pun memutuskan kasus ditutup, dia tidak mau malu
untuk ke dua kalinya.
Anggota Roofworld tersisa bersatu ingin menghidupkan kembali
ordo ke jalan benar dan bahkan teman mereka; Lee dan Spice merencanakan
bertualang ke menara WTC New York. Rona bahagia terpancar dari Rosi dan
Butterworth, keduanya, menemukan kebebasan dalam hidup, semenjak mengenal
kehidupan dunia atap.
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