In chapter two, you will go through step by step to build a SALES database using MySQL. You will build each table and add associated data fields (along with the necessary keys and indexes). The first field in the Client table is ClientID. Enter the clien ID in the Name Field and select AutoNumber in the Data Type. You define primary key and other indexes which are useful for quick searching. ClientID is a primary field. You will define FamilyName as an index. You then will create Ordering table with three fields: OrderID, ClientID, and OrderDate. You then will create Purchase table with three fields: OrderID, ProductID, and Quantity. And you will create Product table with four fields: ProductID, Description, Price, and QtySold. Before designing Visual C# interface, you will build the relationships between four tables. The interface will be used to enter new orders into the database. The order form will be used to enter the following information into the database: order ID, order date, client ID, client’s first name and family name, client’s address, product information ordered. The form will have the ability to add new orders, find clients, add new clients. The completed order invoice will be provided in a printed report.
In chapter three, you will build a database management
system where you can store information about valuables in your warehouse. The
table will have seven fields: Item (description of the item), Location (where
the item was placed), Shop (where the item was purchased), DatePurchased (when
the item was purchased), Cost (how much the item cost), SerialNumber (serial
number of the item), PhotoFile (path of the photo file of the item), and
Fragile (indicates whether a particular item is fragile or not). The
development of this Warehouse Inventory Project will be performed, as usual, in
a step-by-step manner. You will first create the database. Furthermore, the
interface will be built so that the user can view, edit, add, or add data
records from the database. Finally, you add code to create a printable list of
information from the database.
In chapter four,
you will build an application
that can be used to track daily high and low pollutant PM2.5 and air quality
level. The steps that need to be taken in building Siantar Air Quality Index
(SAQI) database project are: Build and test a Visual C# interface; Create an
empty database using code; and Report database. The designed interface will
allow the user to enter max pollutant, min pollutant, and air quality for any
date that the user chooses in a particular year. This information will be
stored in a database. Graphical result of the data will be provided, along with
summary information relating to the maximum value, minimum value, and mean
value. You will use a tab control as the main component of the interface. The
control has three tabs: one for viewing and editing data, one for viewing graph
of pollutant data, and another for viewing graph of air quality data. Each tab
on this control operates like a Visual C# control panel.
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