Friday, June 16, 2017

Edge of Eternity (2014), a Novel by Ken Follett: summary

The book starts out in Germany in 1961, where Rebecca Hoffmann finds herself manipulated by her husband, a Stasi (unofficial name for the secret police) officer. Hans married her just to spy on her and it was the orders of the Stasi. She was at the wrong side of the Berlin Wall. The Communism and American troops living in a shaky cohabitation of Germany of the Cold War.

The 1112-page bestseller is book three of the Century Trilogy published by Signet (Penguin Group) International edition, an imprint of New American Library, New York in July 2015. The author is a British novelist. However, there are too many names mentioned in the book that I had difficult time remembering who was who. Overall, it is interesting, entertaining, informative and inspiring.

The author brings numerous big names in history into fiction characters such as: JFK, Nikita Khrushchev, RFK, Martin Luther King, and Mikhail Gorbachev. In Moscow Dimka is an aide to First Secretary Khurschev; in USA George Jakes Peskhov is an aide to Bobby Kennedy and also having some conversations to Martin Luther King. 

I found myself more enjoyable at Berlin and Moscow part. Dimka’s character is memorable one though he is not a hero. There is no specific antagonist in the story, most of characters are the victim of the regime. Like the Franks in East Berlin are the victim of the East Germany regime and Dimka’s family (his twin Tanya and Lev Peshkov) and Vasili in Moscow also have the same struggling, the Communism. Meanwhile George Jakes, a young black American, was a freedom fighter. A white American, Alan Shepard, can orbit the earth, but a black American can’t enter a restroom. At the end of the book, everyone is happy. The Berlin Wall has fallen, the Iron Curtain has torn down, and Obama has won the election.

Edge of Eternity (2014), a Novel by Ken Follett: summary

The Franks, Berlin in 1961
East Germany was a Communist tyranny now, and Rebecca saw no point in engaging in politics. So she channeled her idealism into teaching, and hoped that the next generation would be less dogmatic, more compassionate, smarter. Her subject was Russian, but she also had to teach an English class. She did not speak English, though she had picked up a smattering from her British grandmother, Maud, still feisty at seventy.

The school was desperately short of teachers because half the staff had emigrated to West Germany, where salaries were higher and people were free. The story was the same in most schools in East Germany. And it was not just teachers. Doctors could double their earning by moving west. Bern Held was probably Rebecca’s best friend outside her family. He was a slim, dark-haired man of forty, with a livid scar he got while he was at war. He taught physics and a divorced man with no children.

Rebecca’s father, Werner, had a factory making television sets. But her mother was determined to stay in the East. The house they lived in had been in her family for generations. Her mother Carla, was well-known Social Democrat. Her grandmother, Maud, was the sister of an English Earl. Rebecca was adopted, her real parents were killed at the end of the war. She got the letter from a Stasi official, and it ordered her to present herself at the headquarter office for questioning. Everyone knew about the letters and everyone dreaded receiving one. Her family was deeply suspect. After the interrogating, she just found her husband was a Stasi man.

Her husband had been marrying her in order to spy her and her family. The deception worked too well. She was in rage. Her twelve-year old sister was doing her homework while she got home. She could hear the grand piano in drawing room. Her brother, Walli, was playing a blues.

George Jakes in Maryland
He was about to graduate from Harvard Law School. Now he has was here at his mother’s modest suburban home in Prince George’s County, Maryland, outside Washington, DC. Jacky Jakes had never been actress. Her career had ended up before it began when, at age of sixteen, she had become pregnant with George. She had gained that careworn face raising him alone for first six years of his life, working as a waitress and living in a tiny house at the back of Union Station, and drilling him in the need for hard work and education and respectability. George and her mother had shared books. Her father had been a literature professor at a Negro college, and she had been a reader from childhood.

Senator Greg Peshkov, George’s father, had got him a vacation job as a law clerk at the firm, and as they both had hoped, the temporary post had led to the offer of a full-time job after graduation. He knew she was at the University of Chicago Law School, and like him was about to graduate. He had met her a couple of times before he liked her. They met her in a bus, when the Freedom Riders stroke.

Walli’s sister, Lili, was almost three years younger. After the war, when their parents had been desperately working hours to feed the family, Rebecca had often been left in charge of Walli and Lili. She was like a second mother. And every school in East Germany is short of teachers, because so many have moved to the West.

East Berliners who worked in the West for higher wages paid in valuable deutschmarks. Walli’s father was a Grenzganger, though he worked for profits, not wages. Walli himself crossed over at least once a week, usually to go with his friends to West Berlin cinemas, which showed sexy, violent American films that were more exciting than the preachy fables in Communist fables in Communist movie houses.
In practice the Vopos (East Germany Cops) stopped anyone who caught their eye. Entire families crossing together, parents, and children, were almost certain to be challenged on suspicion of trying to leave the East permanently, especially if they had luggage. He made crossing for singing contest this time. While he was waiting his turn, getting impatient, he was approached by a pretty girl. She was going to enter the contest with his brother playing guitar.

Maryland, USA
Martin Luther King was head of Southern Christian Leadership Conference, one of the more important civil rights group. He was one of the options to George, but he preferred Bobby Kennedy for his career. Maria Summers was very smart. George was half in love with her. He was desperate for opportunity to be alone with her, but the people in whose homes the Freedom Riders stayed was solid, respectable black citizens, many of them devout Christians, who would not have allowed their guest rooms to be used for smooching. The Riders were served politely in the white restaurants while the rally was. But George felt sure that as they left each town the signs would return; and the Freedom Ride would have been a waste of time.

On the fifth day of the Ride one of their number had been jailed for insisting on his right to a shoeshine. The Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin had been the first man in space, less than a month ago. Alan Shepard was the first American in space. A white American can orbit the earth, but a black American can’t enter a restroom.

It was summer in Moscow, Tanya just arrived in time from Yakutsk, Siberia. She shared a flat with her mother, Anya, and twin brother, Dmitri, always called Dimka. They lived at a Government House, an apartment building for Moscow’s privileged elite. Tanya’s mother said it was spacious only by Soviet standards: the Berlin apartment she had lived in as a child, when Grandfather Grigori had been a diplomat, had been much more grand. She worked for TASS, the Soviet news agency. She was a rising star, able to produce lively and interesting articles. Her late father had been a colonel in the KGB, the secret police; and her uncle Volodya was a general in Red Army Intelligence.

Tanya admired him for a completely different set of reasons: because he was bright, brave, and a world-class writer. Vasili was thirty but he liked girls. He worked as a radio script editor and was a naturally untidy man. Vasili and Tanya worked together produced an illegal news sheet called Dissidence. They reported on censorship, demonstration, trials, and political prisoners.

Dimka was an aid to Nikita Khrushchev, first secretary and chairman of the Presidium, but all he felt he should not be here. General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev was a reformer. His program included a limited degree of cultural tolerance, and so far no action had been taken against the poetry reading. Khrushchev’s hold on power was not strong. He was a Communist heart and soul, but he was also a reformer who saw failings in the Soviet system and wanted to implement new ideas. But the old Stalinist and Kremlin were not yet defeated. They were alert for any opportunity to weaken Khrushchev and rolled back his reforms.

The recent report said American President, JFK, had authorized a crackpot CIA plan for an invasion in Cuba at a place called the Bay Pigs. Khrushchev had failed to achieve the main foreign policy objective: a permanent resolution of the Berlin situation. East Germany was their frontier post in Europe. Its border secure the border of Poland and Czechoslovakia. Busy on Cuba issue, the first secretary was concerned about the arrest of leading Tanya Dvorkin and Vasili Yenkov. Dimka’s father was in KGB, died last year. His grandfather Grigori Peskhov in the October Revolution, his uncle, Vladimir (Vollodya) Peshkov, was a general.

George Jakes in USA
Verena Marquand was graduating from English Department. However, there were a few people of color at Harvard that all knew one another. She was an ardent civil rights campaigner, and was going to work for Martin Luther King in Atlanta after graduation. Her parents were a tall, well-dressed black man and a white woman with an elaborate blond coiffure.  Percy Marquand, was famous movie star. Babe Lee was a theater actress.

George’s grandparents were Russian immigrants. His grandfather, Lev Peshkov, had started out running bars and nightclubs, and now owned a Hollywood studio. People said he was a ruthless businessman with little respect for the law. On the other hand, he had been kind to his black grandson, giving him a generous allowance as well as paying his tuition. Lev Peshkov was widely believed to have been a criminal himself, a bootlegger in days of Prohibition. George’s grandmother, Marga was his second wife. He also had a wife, Olga, in Buffalo, and a daughter, Daisy, who was married to an Englishman and lived in London. So George had English cousins he had never met.

Washington DC
George was trying to forget Maria Summers. He was dating a girl, a history graduate who worked as a secretary in at National Museum of American History. She was attractive and intelligent, but it was not working: he still thought about Maria all the time. Perhaps Verena might be more effective cure. The Department of Justice was housed in a grand classical building across the street from the White House. His mother recalled him: there were a thousand smart young men willing to work for Martin Luther King. But there was only one Negro sitting in the office next to Bobby Kennedy. George had seen only one interracial couple in the ballroom: Percy Marquand and Babe Lee.
Rebecca in East Berlin
She was under investigation as a social parasite. Her friend from school named Bernd Held, was under investigation for ideological unreliability. After a year of fake marriage it was good to know that someone genuinely found her desirable, even lovable. The East German regime had done what everyone said could not be done: they had built a wall across the middle of Berlin. Rebecca was on the wrong side.

Washington DC in 1961-1962
The East German regime was close to collapse. George was thrilled to find Maria Summers was originally turned down for a job in the White House. Her grandfather was a preacher. Maria’s father had gone to a Negro college and law school. In 1930, in the Depression, he had opened a storefront law firm in the South Side neighborhood, where no one could afford a postage, stamp. His clients had paid him in kind: homemade cakes, eggs from their backyard hens, a free haircut, some carpentry around his office. Maria knew her mother would disapprove of her daughter going swim with married man if he were anyone other than the president. 

The Bureau had important information about Martin Luther King. The FBI director J. Edgar Hoover hated Martin Luther King. Not a single FBI agent was black. He also hated Bobby Kennedy. George dropped at the FBI headquarter. The office was on another floor of the Justice Department building.  Dr. King sometimes telephones a New York attorney and got advice on tax and publishing matters from a Communist.

Maria Summers
She still called him Mr. President most of the time. She loved him. Maria had learned not to torture herself with thoughts of her lover’s wife. Maria knew she was cruelly betraying a decent woman, and it grieved her, so she did not think about it. President’s wife was out of town again.

Dr. King
Martin Luther King was a handsome man of thirty-three, with a mustache and prematurely receding black hair. King and George had met before on the Freedom Right. King explained Stanley Levison was not a Communist. On the other hand, if it was bad news George wanted to hear first. Perhaps the FBI had caught King out in an extramarital affair, or something that kind.

The audience and consisted of sanitation workers and their family and their supporters. Looking their worn shoes and their old coats and hats, Jasper Murray, the journalist, realized that there were some of the poorest people in America. They were ill-educated and they did dirty jobs and they lived in the city that called them second-class citizens, nigras, boys. But they had the spirit, they believed in a better life. They had a dream.

King’s voice shook with feeling, and Jasper recalled from that in the Bible, Moses had never reached Canaan. He encouraged his audience they would get to the Promised Land.  The next day, at the end of afternoon Jasper would try to arrange interview with King. Jasper had once already interview with King on the speech ‘I have a dream’ speech, when he was a student in 1963. Jasper spotted the white Cadillac that he knew, was loaned to King, along with a chauffeur, by a black-owned Memphis funeral home. King was tucking his shirt in, as if dressing after a shower. He was probably getting ready to go out for dinner, Jasper thought.

A shot rang out. King staggered back, threw up his arms like a man on a cross, hit the wall behind him, and fell. King’s aides took cover around the white Cadillac. Then there was no second shot. He had no hope. That night, the inner cities of the United States exploded. There were riots in one hundred ten cities. In Washington, twenty thousand people overwhelmed the police and set fire to the buildings.

The Williams and the Dewars in London
Dave’s father, Lloyd Williams was an M. P. Dave Williams was thirteen years old. Ursula Dewar, known as Beep, was also thirteen, but she seemed older than Dave.  His mother, Daisy, was an American. Dave’s grandmother’s, Eth Leckwith, was to be introduced to the House of Lords. The two families, Dewar and Williams, were assembling in the hall. Woody Dewar was a photographer on a one year assignment in London, had brought his wife, and his children, Cameron and Beep. All American seemed fascinated by the pantomime of British public life, so Dewars were joining the celebration. 
Young family friend Jasper Murray was there too. He was eighteen and a Viking, tall and broad with blond hair. Jasper’s mother, had been refugee from Nazi Germany, and Dave’s mother, Daisy, had taken her in, with characteristic generosity. Jasper studied French and German in one of the larger colleges of London University. He wrote for the student newspaper and wanted to be a journalist.
Cameron Dewar was fifteen years old and in love for the first time. Evie never give attention to him. She was in love with Jasper Murray. Evie Williams was the center of attention, she was the star of the evening. She was good actor on the stage.

Rebecca and Bernd in West Berlin
They had living together three months in the old town house in Berlin. Hans Hoffman did not want to be divorced, he wanted to start again. Rebecca and Bernd escaped to West Berlin, they almost got caught. Bernd fell like a stone to get West Germany. Three days later Bern opened his eyes, he had undergone several operation. He was now a teacher in a wheelchair.

He met a woman named Nina. Dimka spent most weekends with her. Dimka’s mother, Anya, wanted to meet Nina. He felt disloyal to Nina when he admired Natalya Smotrov. Natalya was a married woman who worked for the Defense Ministry. The Defense Ministry was so slow in sending arms to Soviet’s comrades in Cuba. In fact, Cuba was the only revolutionary state in the American continent. It was proof that Marxism applied all over the world, not just in the East. Communism was supposed to be joyous crusade to make better world. Sometimes the Soviet Union was more like a medieval monastery where everyone had taken vows of poverty and obedience.

Nikita Khrushchev shipped the missiles secretly. They put them in boxes labelled ‘drainage pipes’. Even the ships’s captains would not know what was inside. Khrushchev signed Dimka in charge in the project. So far, Dimka’s strategy was working. It seemed no one suspected what the Soviet Union was up to in Cuba.

President JFK already knew Khrushchev deployed nuclear missiles in Cuba. If one missile landed on a medium-size American city, six hundred thousand people would die. In 1968, news also came from Vietnam. At a road junction in Saigon a Buddhist monk called Thich Quang Duc, doused in five gallons of gasoline, had calmly struck a match and set him alight. His suicide was a protest at the persecution of the Buddhist majority by the American-sponsored President Ngo Dinh Diem, who was a Catholic. There was no end to the travails of President Kennedy.  
Tanya had a suspicion, never voiced, that Nina had manipulated Dimka into the marriage. The Dvorkins were an elite family, and Nina was ambitious.
Vasili Yenkov was script editor and sentenced two years in labor camp for possessing a leaflet about Ustin Bodian, the dissident singer. Vasili was an electrician in a power station in Siberia.

Dimka in Vietnam, 1965
Dimka Dvorkin flew to Vietnam in 1965 along with large group of Foreign Ministry official and aides including Natalya Smotrov. It was his first trip outside the Soviet Union. But he was even more excited about being with Natalya. They were far away from Moscow, out of range his wife and Natalya’s husband. Dimka was feeling more optimistic in general. Kosygin, his boss since the fall of Nikita Khrushchev, understood that the Soviet Union was losing the Cold War because of its economy. Soviet industry was inefficient, and Soviet citizens were poor. Kosygin’s aim was to make the USSR more productive. They had to compete with the Americans in prosperity, not just in tanks and missiles.

Part of economic problem was that so much of the national income was spent on the military. In hope of reducing this crippling expense, Khrushchev had come up with the policy of peaceful coexistence, living side by side with the capitalist without fighting wars. Khrushchev had done much implement the idea: his quarrels in Berlin and Cuba had required more military expenditure, not less.
Hanoi was the ancient capital of ancient country, long oppressed by foreigners, first the Chinese, the French, then the Americans. Vietnam was more crowded and was also split in two.  

Vietnam leader Ho Chi Minh had defeated France in anticolonial war of fifties. Americans refused to accept his authority, he was undemocratic Communist. The unelected Saigon regime was tyrannical and unpopular, and under attack by resistance fighters called Vietcong. The South Vietnamese army was so weak in 1965, it had to be propped up by twenty three thousand Am
erican troops.
The Americans were pretending that South Vietnam was a separate country, just as the Soviet Union pretended that East Germany was a country. To Dimka, Vietnam was a mirror image of Germany.

Konstantin Chernenko died in Moscow. Dimka and Natalya, were at home, eating bean forsupper with thei daughter, Katya, a schoolgirl of fifteen, and Dimka’s son , Grisha, a university student of twenty one. Chernenko was dead. He suffered from cirrhosis and emphysema. All Moscow was waiting impatiently for him to expire. The succession will be decided in the next few hours, Dimka said to his wife Natalya, they have to act.
Mikhail Gorbachev was second secretary, and therefore officially deputy to the late leader. Gorbachev had won that race by only one vote.

Tanya and Vasili had been more and less living together, unofficially for two years. They were not married: once they became a legal couple they would never be allowed to leave the USSR together. Tanya continued to write reports for TASS that followed the party line slavishly. Vasili was now lead writer on a television show.

A radio commentator was describing a visit by Gorbachev and his wife to a jeans factory in Leningrad. Previous Soviet leader had visited steel mills and shipyards. Gorbachev celebrated consumer goods. She took his wife with him. She was attractive and well-dressed, like American first lady. She was intelligent, too, she had worked as a university lecturer until her husband became first secretary.

The Soviet economy was getting worse and worse, and Gorbachev was going to stop subsidizing all the East European states. Dimka had big office in Kremlin now, he was the one who declared the freedom of the East European. After forty years of Soviet domination of Eastern Europe was coming to an end. The Iron Curtain was coming down. Suddenly people were allowed to walk over the border and into the West, that could be change even more momentous than free election.

East German government would continue to allow people to go to Hungary. By November there were demonstrations every week in major towns in East Germany. The numbers grew larger and the crowds grew bolder. Thousands of Berliners were gathering on both sides of infamous Wall, demanding to exercise their brand-new right to cross over, while the government did nothing—and the armed guards grew increasingly nervous. A new generation of leaders came to power, most importantly Gorbachev. Rebecca remembered that day in August 1961, when she was thirty, and she had left home to walk to West Berlin and found all the crossing points blocked by barbed wire.

The barrier had now been there for half her life time. The Berlin Wall has fallen down, Mr. Gorbachev tore down the wall. The first person Rebecca saw was her father. Everyone was shouting. There was George, Maria Summer’s husband for the last twelve years, now white-haired at seventy-two. Jack, a lawyer, George’s son with Verena, at age twenty-eight, with his wife and their daughter. They were all watching TV. Onstage was the first African American president with his wife and their girls. It was election night, and Barack Obama had won. Maria knew why her husband was crying. Her husband was crying for Bobby, Martin, and Jack. For all the freedom fighters, dead and alive.

June 16, 2017

Sekapur Sirih
Buku fiksi yang sangat panjang, terdiri dari 1112 halaman dicetak oleh Signet, merupakan buku ketiga dari Century Trilogy, diterbitkan tahun 2015, terbitan pertamanya sendiri pada tahun 2014. Ken Follett adalah novelis berkebangsaan Inggris. Walau tidak membaca buku pertama dan keduanya, namun fiksi dapat diikuti tanpa mengalami kesulitan. Banyaknya tokoh sempat membuat bingung, namun karena penulis sering menyebutkannya, sangat membantu memahaminya. Sejumlah tokoh muncul dan terputus terkadang sedikit mengurangi kenyamanan, tapi karena memuat narasi dan percakapan berkelas dan penuturan sejarah actual maka cerita ini tetap menarik dinikmati

Ada empat latar negara dalam novel ini: Jerman (Berlin Timur dan Berlin Barat), Uni Soviet, Amerika Serikat, dan Inggris. Kisah sejarah perang dingin pada tahun enam puluhan, di mana Uni Soviet mengontrol Berlin Timur (Jerman Timur) setelah Jerman lepas dari Hitler. Sementara Jerman Barat bersekutu dengan Amerika Serikat.

Sejarah, politik, espionase internasional, akhir runtuhnya komunis di Jerman, perang Vietnam, ancaman penyerangan ke negara Cuba, penyebaran paham komunis oleh USSR di berbagai belahan dunia, isu ras di Amerika, peluncuran satelit, dan prestasi Yuri Gagarin dibumbui dengan kisah dramatis keluarga, percintaan, pengkhianatan, perpisahan, kesuksesan, pembunuhan, kehancuran dan semua tokoh berakhir pada kebahagiaan.

Ada tokoh George Jakes berkulit hitam berayahkan Rusia bekerja pada departemen Kehakiman di Gedung Putih, sebagai pembantu Robert Kennedy (saudara dari preisedn JFK) -- berjuang membela hak-hak kulit hitam; ada tokoh muda seniman/ artis terkenal bersaudara Evie dan Dave dari Inggris; tokoh wanita pemberani Rebecca dan keluarganya yang terberai oleh Tembok Berlin dan terintimidasi oleh rezim komunis Berlin Timur, dan adik adopsinya Walli, gitaris dan pencipta lagu ternama mendunia; tokoh kembar Dimka dan Tanya di Moskow dari keluarga elite, harus hidup berdamai walau tidak suka dengan rezim Stalinisme dan Kremlin.

Penulis sangat lihai dalam menghubungkan semua tokoh terpaut satu sama lain walau beda benua dan perjuangan hidup, dihubungkan dengan situasi politik yang berkecambuk saat itu dengan memasukkan tokoh-tokoh internasional ke dalam percakapan tokoh fiksi seperti JFK, RFK, Nikita Khrushchev, Michael Gorbachev, dan Martin Luther King yang berinteraksi langsung dengan para tokoh. Dan di akhir semuanya bahagia dan diakhiri pada usia tua, manakala sejumlah tokoh dikisahkan sejak berusia belasan.

Terjemahan Ringkasan dalam Bahasa Indonesia novel Edge of Eternity karya Ken Follet: summary
Berlin Timur

Tinggal di balik tembok Berlin wilayah Timur adalah mimpi buruk bagi Rebecca dan keluarganya. Perlakuan Stasi dan Polisi Jerman Timur(Vopos) perbatasan semakin semema-mena. Para Vopos akan selalu mencurigai keluarga atau warga yang hendak melintas ke Jerman Barat. Ayah Rebecca adalah seorang pengusaha pabrik pembuatan televisi di Jerman Barat, dan ia harus bolak-balik perbatasan menemui keluarganya. Rebecca adalah anak adopsi, gadis yatim piatu yang diangkat keluarga Frank. Kedua orang tua kandungnya telah tewas dalam perang. Rebecca memiliki dua saudara yakni anak-anak kandung dari Frank, mereka juga jauh lebih muda dari dirinya; Walli dan Lili. Bahkan ketika orang tuanya bekerja, Rebecca berperan sebagai ibu bagi mereka.

Di apartemen tua dan besar juga tinggal nenek Maud, berdarah  Inggris. Kakek Walli dulu seorang diplomat Jerman yang bertugas di London. Rebeca kini mengajar di sebuah sekolah dan ia telah menikah dengan seorang anggota Stasi (polisi Jerman Timur). Hans Hoffman, suaminya juga turut tinggal di rumah warisan ibu angkat Rebecca.

Ibu angkat Rebecca tidak mau meninggalkan rumahnya berpindah ke Jerman Barat, kediaman keluarganya yang sudah turun temurun. Sepucuk surat dari kantor Stasi mengelisahkan Rebecca, ia pun diinterogasi oleh pihak Stasi. Ia sangat kecewa dan marah ketika mendapati bahwa Hans menikahi dirinya untuk memata-matai keluarganya. Keduanya pun bercerai dan Rebecca membuka hatinya; jatuh cinta dengan teman sekerjanya juga seorang guru. Sudah tidak asing, jika seorang Stasi bertindak seenaknya. Dibakar cemburu Bernd, kekasih Rebecca yang baru, keduanya dituduh pengkhianat negara.

Keduanya pun memutuskan melarikan diri ke Jerman Barat. Nyaris tertangkap, Bernd harus pincang karena terjatuh dari atap ketika menyebrangi tembok. Kepincangan kaki Bernd tidak meluruhkan keinginan Rebecca menikahi pria di atas kursi roda itu. Keduanya pun menempati apartemen sederhana dan kembali bekerja sebagai pengajar. Walli, adik lelaki Rebecca, rutin berkunjung ke Jerman Barat. Umumnya anak-anak muda senang dengan fashion, musik dan film Amerika yang bisa dinikmati di Jerman Barat. Remaja itu gemar bermain musik; piano dan gitar.

Ayahnya sendiri kecewa dengan keinginan Walli menjadi musisi, pewaris yang  diandalkan untuk melanjutkan pabrik ayahnya di Jerman Barat. Walli mengikuti sebuah kontes di sebuah bar ketika bertemu Karolin yang juga turut audisi ketika itu. Keduanya jatuh cinta, gadis sekolahan itu pun hamil. Ayah Karolin seorang PNS yang takut kehilangan pekerjaannya, dan diancamoleh Stasi. Jika ia merestui pernikahan putrinya dengan Walli, ia terancam kehilangan pekerjaan. Keluarga Walli sedang dalam pengawasan Stasi, sejak pelarian Rebecca dan Bernd.

Kini Walli dan Karolin pun diincar. Keduanya nekat ingin kawin lari ke Berlin Barat. Walli menabrak seorang anggota Stasi dan dituduh menjadi seorang pembunuh, padahal ketika itu dalam pengejaran; ia tidak sengaja menabrak sang petugas. Walli pun berlabel DPO. Remaja enam belas tahun itu tidak berani pulang ke Berlin Timur, dan Karolin yang tengah hamil pun jelas sudah dipersulit pada perbatasan. Walli akhirnya terbang ke London ke rumah sepupunya Dave Williams, masih keluarga nenek Maud.

Seorang wanita muda, seorang jurnalis yang sedang naik daun, Tanya Dvorkin, baru saja kembali dari Siberia selesaikan riset tulisan artikelnya tentang para tahanan politik di daerah dingin itu. Tanya, kembarannya Dimka, ibunya Anya, dan kakek neneknya dari pihak ibunya tinggal di sebuah apartemen mewah milik pemerintah yang dihuni oleh para elite politik. Kakek, paman, dan mendiang ayah Tanya adalah jendral besar. Kembaran Tanya Dimka, kini menjadi pembantu Jendral Nikita Khrushchev, jendral reformator dan pesohor. Mereka membidangi pengawasan kebudayaan dan seni. Simalakama, ketika Tanya dan rekannya seorang penyiar radio dan juga penulis berkelas internasional, Vasili, masuk dalam daftar penangkapan departemen pertahanan. Dimka dengan upaya mengamankan saudari kembarnya Tanya ke proyek peluncuran misil di Cuba. Dimka mendapat kepercayaan dan tugas dalam mengirimkan misil dan nuklir ke Cuba untuk mengancam Amerika Serikat, yang mereka duga akan menyerang Cuba.

Sebenarnya perintahan USSR separuh hati menolong Cuba, namun karena motivasi keberlangsungan paham komunis di wilayah daratan Amerika, setelah mereka sukses menyebarkan pahamnya di Benua Timur. Itupun Amerika menghadang komunis di Vietnam. Tapi tidak dengan Vasili, lelaki tampan itu, harus ditahan di Siberia sebagai pengkhianat negara. Ia dan Tanya secara sembunyi-sembunyi menerbitkan tulisan yang anti-komunis -- secara jujur memberitakan keadaan Moskow dan USSR yang sebenarnya.

Sepupu Dave Williams, seumuran dengan Walli, keduanya memiliki minat yang sama yakni musik. Keduanya pun giat mengikuti audisi dan sering menyanyi di panggung-panggung tempat hiburan di London, hingga akhirnya manajer musik melirik mereka. Walau tidak mudah keduanya pun terkenal hingga pada akhirnya tinggal di Amerika. Walli tidak pernah pulang bahkan putrinya Alice sudah berusia tiga tahun ia belum pernah melihatnya sekalipun. Kehidupan glamour Hollywood membuat Walli terjerumus dalam narkoba, sekaligus mengubahnya. Cinta dan kesetiaanya pada Karolin membuatnya bertahan tidak menikah.

Sebuah surat yang dititipkan lewat Rebecca di Jerman Barat menghancurkan hatinya, Karolin menikah dengan seorang pendeta. Walli semakin terpukul mendalam dalam menceburkan diri dalam narkoba. Dave Williams memiliki tunangan yang hampir dinikahinya juga diambil Walli. Grup musik mereka pecah dan jalan sendiri-sendiri.

Seorang putra dari teman ibu Dave bernama Jasper Murray berambisi bekerja sebagai jurnalis di Amerika. Ia pun diterima dengan melalui perjalanan panjang hingga juga ikut perang dalam perang Vietnam, walau ia sendiri adalah warga Inggris. Ia pun akhirnya berpindah kewarganegaraan dan menjadi jurnalis terkenal di Amerika. Saudari perempuannya Anna Murray juga menjadi seorang publisher ternama di London. Evie Williams, kakak dari Dave menjadi aktris ternama bahkan hingga Hollywood. Gadis yang sempat jatuh cinta pada Jasper Murray.

George di Maryland, Amerika Serikat
Setelah Yuri Gagarin berhasil mencetak rekor sebagai manusia pertama sampai di angkasa luar, Amerika tidak mau kalah, mereka mengirimkan Alan Shepard. Walau telah ada warga Amerika berangkat ke ruang angkasa, tetapi masalah toilet masih isu berat di Amerika. Penduduk berkulit hitam tidak boleh menggunakan kamar mandi kulit putih. Dan tempat umum, perkantoran, tempat belanja, restoran, ada tanda untuk kulit hitam. Di bis pun mereka harus di belakang dan bertanda khusus. 

George salah satu anak muda yang turut dalam relli protes ‘Rider’ dan menuntut persamaan hak para Negro (istilah saat itu). Ibu George, Jacky Jakes, berkulit hitam, namun ayahnya seorang keturunan Rusia, yang tidak pernah menikahi ibunya. Greg Peshkov adalah seorang senator, sementara ayahnya Peshkov adalah imigran pelarian politik dari rezim komunis Soviet. Lelaki kaya berpenampilan necis itu berhasil membangun bisnis hingga memiliki studio di Hollywood. Nenek George dari ayahnya, Marga, juga wanita Rusia, adalah istri kedua dari kakeknya.

George mempunyai sepupu berkulit putih di London. Kakek George memiliki putri dari istri pertamanya, Olga. Bibi George bernama Daisy menikah dengan pria Inggris dan kini tinggal di London. Kakek-neneknya menyayangi George, walau mereka berbeda kulit. Kakeknya membiayai hidup dan kuliah George. Lelaki muda itu telah lulusan dari jurusan hukum dari Harvard, dan ayah George telah mencarikannya pekerjaan sementara pada kantor temannya.

Mahasiswa berkulit hitam masih sangat jarang di kampusnya, sehingga ia dengan mudah mengenali Verena Marquand, gadis kuit hitam yang sangat cantik di kampusnya. Putri seorang bintang Hollywood berkulit hitam dan beribukan pelakon panggung berkulit putih. Namun hati George sempat tertambat pada Maria Summers, teman seperjuangan pada pergerakan ‘Rider’. Namun sayang, ia tidak ketemu lagi dengan gadis itu. Cucu dari pendeta dan ayahnya seorang pengacara. Dengan tidak sulit, George akhirnya diterima pada Departemen Kehakiman dan bekerja sebagai pembantu Robert Kennedy, adik sang presiden.

Walli dan Dave
Lagu-lagu ciptaan Walli Frank dan Dave Williams mampu menarik minat penggemar musik dan mereka pun akhirnya tinggal di California. Dave yang sempat jatuh cinta pada Beep Dewar, gadis muda putri dari teman keluarganya, sempat dikenalnya ketika keluarga Dewar tinggal di London. Dave sudah tenar, gadis itupun dengan mudah menerima cintanya. Lain halnya, Walli masih setia pada Karolin di Berlin Timur. Evi Williams saudari dari Dave, tenar menjadi seorang aktris terkenal dan bahkan syuting di Hollywood. Dave sempat menemui ayah George selama di Amerika, bahkan kenalan keluarga Jasper Murray pun direkomendasikan menemui sepupunya George.

Dimka akhirnya menikahi Nina, seorang janda tanpa anak, dikenalkan temannya. Mereka pun memilki seorang anak, namun ia kembali jatuh cinta pada rekan kerjanya Natalya, seorang wanita yang sudah bersuami. Pada saat cintanya goyah, tidak berselang lama sejak kelahiran anak mereka, Dimka mendapati istrinya berselingkuh dengan seorang pejabat militer yang tinggal bersebelahan dengan dacha (villa) mereka di luar kota. Situasi politik komunis merosot. Kembarannya Tanya sudah mengingatkannya, kalau si janda Nina, wanita ambisius itu hanya memanfaatkan Dimka agar bisa tinggal di apartemen elite, dan masuk dalam pergaulan elite.

Kehadiran Mikhael Gorbachev seorang reformis dan realis memiliki pandangan berbeda dengan pemimpin lainnya. Memang ia berjiwa komunis, tetapi ia lebih realitis akan situasi ekonomi negaranya. Bila pemimpin sebelumnya lebih senang mengunjung pabrik senjata, maka Gorbachev lebih suka mengunjungi pabrik jeans. Kemerosotan ekonomi dan kemiskinan, memicu Gorbachev memutuskan untuk melepas negara-negara jajahannya: Polandia, Chekoslovakia, juga Jerman Timur dari kekuasaan komunis Soviet.

Penembakan yang berujung pada kematian Presiden Kennedy dan kematian Martin Luther King banyak memengaruhi kebijakan dalam negeri dan luar negeri Amerika. Kematian Kennedy memukul perasaan Maria Summers, wanita gundik dari sang presiden. Perselingkuhan yang tercium oleh George, membuatnya cemburu karena ia menyukai gadis berkulit hitam cantik itu. Kematian Martin Luther King juga memukul Verena dan George secara pribadi karena keduanya secara emosional sangat dekat dengan sang pendeta, tergabung dalam gerakannya.

Kebebasan dan keruntuhan Tembok Berlin bukanlah hasil keras Kennedy, tetapi karya dari Gorbachev. Tidak hanya Jerman saja, negara-negara Uni Soviet pun mendapatkan kebebasannya. Di kota Berlin, banyak keluarga-keluarga yang terpisah selama berdekade akhirnya bersatu kembali. Walli telah sembuh dari ketergantungan narkoba, ia kurus-tirus hampir tidak dikenali ibu dan saudarinya.

Sang musisi tenar itu dan keluarganya akhirnya bisa berkumpul walau dalam usia tua, putrinya, Alicia, telah berumur belasan, pertama kali ia melihatnya. Karolin sudah menjanda, diceraikan suaminya yang ternyata seorang gay.

Tanya akhirnya hidup bersama dengan Vasili yang sudah bebas dari hukuman, novel-novelnya diterjemahkan dan diterbitakan menggunakan nama samaran di Inggris oleh Anna Murray, adik dari jurnalis terkenal Jasper Murray. Karir Dimka berkembang baik dalam masa Gorbachev, dan setelah bercerai dari Nina, ia menikahi Natalya. Nina akhirnya menikahi dengan lelaki menjadi sumber keretakan pernikahannya dengan Dimka.

Sebelum kematiannya, kakeknya membawa George pulang ke kampung halaman di  Moskow, diperkenalkan pada keluarga Peshkov lainnya yakni Tanya dan Dimka, walau mereka sempat heran mengetahui sepupu mereka berkulit hitam.

Setelah pengkhianatan istrinya Verena Marquand, George dan Maria akhirnya menikah pada usia yang tidak muda lagi. Mereka berumur panjang, menyaksikan jika pidato mimpi yang pernah dilontarkan oleh Martin Luther King kini terwujud nyata, keduanya menyaksikan terpilihnya Obama sebagai presiden. Maria sangat paham kenapa suaminya, George, meneteskan air mata ketika menyaksikan tayang TV di mana Obama dan keluarganya tampak di panggung. Kakek berambut putih itu menangis untuk Bobby, Martin, dan Jack. Bagi semua pejuang kemerdekaan hak, baik yang telah meninggal maupun yang masih hidup.


Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Way We Were (2010), a Romance Novel by Elizabeth Noble: Summary

This book is a romance novel and it is 447 pages long. It begins in present day (2000’s) and then backtracks to when Susannah was in school (1987). The time jumps worked well and it’s beautifully written.

Told in the third person perspective, the book is about a woman in her forties has two failed-marriages. It depicts how someone is in the shadow of childhood sweetheart. She gives up her second marriage, and she hopes her sweetheart from the past could comfort her. Moreover, it describes how life does not always run well and beautifully. She still keeps the same feeling for Rob, but time has changed him.

The author is British novelist. Although I am disappointed with Rob’s character and the desperate ending, but I can understand the author had tried to make it more realistic and morally. The overall tone of the book is casual and the story is easy to read and understand.

The Way We Were (2010), a Romance Novel by Elizabeth Noble: Summary

Her baby brother Alexander was thirty-three. Not too young to marry, by most people’s standards. Alex married at her mother church like Susannah had married her first husband, Sean, sixteen years ago. Alastair, the eldest and the first of the siblings to marry, had married Khatryn. They had two kids.

She had been thirty-one, divorced from Sean by then, damaged. Susannah Hammond was focusing on her career thing, and office romances were not on her plan. She thought she was ready. She had worked with Douglas before the two of them got together, she had known well. She lived with Douglas. There was ex-wife and three young children. Daisy was eight, Rosie was three, and Finn was just two.

It was Amelia Lloyd. They had been best friends since the Lloyds had come to the village in the third junior school. Amelia lived alone with her parents in the big old rectory. Her dad was a solicitor- a partner in a London law firm. They seemed rich to Susannah. Amelia was an only child, with an en suite bathroom and a pony, and she was only at state school because her parents’ left-wing political convictions. She was spoilt, but Amelia was also sunny and funny and generous, fearless, and fierce.

They imagined that they would do the same things at the same time — college, university, careers, marriage babies, and careers again. In fact they ended up at the different universities. Susannah studied Law at Bristol, and Amelia studied French at Manchester. But they were both put in the effort required to stay good friends. They had still been close enough after they graduated and rented an apartment. Susannah took a job as legal counsel in a firm architect then she met Douglas and Amelia got job at a translation agency.

Back to 1987, Rob Rossi had move with his parents into the village during the summer. Susannah and Rob met at English class. Her parents thought she was too obsessed with Rob. There was something really old-fashioned about Rob, and it was part of what she loved about him. They never had sex even though there were many occasions. When Rob was shipping out to the Gulf War in 1990, Susannah was at college. For Susannah Gulf War was terrifying. Rob could be killed. Susannah met a guy from college, Matt. In her last letter, Susannah told everything about Matt.

Susannah met Sean and believed herself to be absolutely in love with him. And eight months after they’d first met, they married in Susannah’s mother’s beloved church. Her best Amelia met Jonathan. Amelia had three children. Susannah had been shocked when Amelia asked Jonathan to move out. Susannah downs were coming. Sean left her four months after Susannah miscarried her first pregnancy, and months of the third wedding anniversary divorced at the third year. Her father was so sad and the only other time she had ever seen him cry was when her baby brother Alex wrong was born.

Rob had been thirty seven years old when he met Helena. They met in Germany. She wasn’t in uniform, the first time he saw her. Raised by a strong, capable single mother in a small flat, Helena joined military because it was a way out. Helena’s father had stayed until she was four. Rob hadn’t already decided to marry her when he saw Susannah at Alex’s wedding. Since his father had been diagnosed with motor neuron disease, life had been scary. Helena represented stability and continuity to him, those two things suddenly became what matter most.

At Susannah fortieth birthday Rob texted her and they met. She was living with Douglas. He was married to Helena. She had been afraid to see him, after the kiss on her birthday. She left Douglas and his kids after ten years had lived with them. She loved the kids but she knew they weren’t hers. Rob and Susannah back to the days the way they were. They were both crazy in love and enjoyed several days in France.

Helena was in a helicopter and it was hit by rocket. The explosion had killed three of the people with her. Helena was pretty bad hit and lost her leg. Rob’s mother asked Susannah to leave her son alone. She knew Rob well. If he left Helena for her, he would never forgive himself. Helena knew Rob loved Susannah most, but she didn’t want to win on the pity tiebreaker. Rob wanted to make a clean break, a new start. Susannah was only the past and Helena was the future to him. He remembered how much Susannah’s confession about Matt had hurt him, all those years ago, and he winced physically at thought of doing the same thing to Helena.

She picked up a pregnancy test, and a baby would be born in the winter. She couldn’t tell Rob and had no rights. She knew that, even before Lois’s visit. Before her mother, Amelia, and everyone else told her, she knew it already. She got older, and it was so much harder than the miscarriage she’d had when she was married to Sean. Susannah knew her happy ending wasn’t going to happen. She understood. No husband, no wife, no baby, she was back to her starter flat. She cried for herself, for Rob and Helena, for Douglas, for the kids that weren’t hers.

Sekapur Sirih

Disampaikan dalam torehan indah dan bahasa masa kini, sederhana dan mudah dimengerti. Diterbitkan pertama kali di Inggris oleh Michael Joseph tahun 2010 dan buku yang saya pegang ini terbitan Penguin Books London tahun 2011. Novel romansa dan drama ini telah saya baca pada tahun 2014 lalu dan membacanya kembali di sela-sela waktu luang.

Alurnya masa kini (2000’ an) dan kembali ke masa sekolah ( 1987) tokoh utama yang dirangkai dengan menarik berlatar kehidupan di London dan desa kecil di Inggris. Mungkin tema keluarga, persahabatan, kegelisahan dan konflik pada usia empat puluhan dalam menghadapi kejenuhan pekerjaan dan kegagalan pernikahan, tetapi novel ini dengan warna berbeda. Bertemu kembali dengan kekasih masa lalu yang menggoyahkan pernikahan tokoh Susannah.

Penulis adalah novelis kelahiran Inggris. Walau saya kecewa dengan akhir yang menyedihkan dan tokoh Rob yang plin-plan, namun bisa dimengerti mungkin Penulis Noble bermaksud agar novel ini lebih nyata dan tanggung-jawab moral seseorang, dua unsur yang dekat dengan kehidupan. Di samping itu bisa ditarik kesimpulan, orang yang kita kasihi dari masa lalu tidaklah selalu tetap menjadi orang yang sama.

Perasaan tokoh utama masih seperti dahulu, namun apa yang terjadi, kekasih SMA dulu tidak sama lagi. Waktu, interaksi sosial, lingkungan, pekerjaan, sakit hati dari masa lalu mengubah dia. Gelora melepas kangen dan asmara masa lalu mengikat mereka kembali, merengkuh kebahagiaan yang tertunda di masa lalu, tetapi ketika dihadapkan pada pilihan, tokoh utama harus menerima pil pahit.

Terjemahan (Ringkasan) dalam Bahasa Indonesia: The Way We Were, karya Elizabeth Noble

Susannah dalam usia ketigapuluhannya, melepas bahagia pernikahan adik bungsunya, tetapi pesta pernikahan itu telah merubah kehidupannya semenjak itu. Salah satu dari hadirin telah membuatnya kikuk. Wanita yang telah pernah gagal menikah. Ia bertemu dengan Rob, lelaki yang pernah mengisi hatinya di masa sekolah.

Berasal dari keluarga menengah di desa kecil di Inggris, Susannah memiliki seorang kakak lelaki, Alastair, dan seorang adik lelaki, Alex. Alastair tidak sekedar kakak baginya tetapi sahabat juga. Kini Alaistar memiliki keluarga. Masa sekolahnya diisi dengan persahabatan dengan Amelia, anak orang kaya yang satu sekolah dan satu lingkungan dengan rumah orang tuanya.

Kenangan indah di bangku SMA dengan Rob, masih selalu membayangi kehidupannya. Masa yang terlalu dini untuk mereka menikah. Perang Teluk pun pecah pada tahun delapan puluhan, Rob dikapalkan ke Timur Tengah. Awalnya surat-menyurat lancar, masa pergaulan kuliah membuat Susannah tergoda, sementara Rob tidak banyak pilihan di medan perang. Berganti kekasih dan bertemu Sean, itulah petualangan cinta Susannah Hammond.

Pernikahan Susannah dengan Sean hanya bertahan tiga tahun, di ujung pernikahan Susannah mengalami keguguran. Waktu berlalu, ia bertemu Douglas, duda dengan tiga anak-anak belia, dan tinggal bersama mereka. Kesepakatan Doug di awal, lelaki itu tidak mau menambah anak lagi. Sepuluh tahun menjalani hidup dengan merawat anak-anak orang lain, dan selalu dibayangi dengan konflik istri Doug sangat melelahkan bagi Susannah. Tidak mudah menjadi ibu bagi putri tirinya yang masih remaja, Daisy (8 tahun), Rosie (3 tahun), dan Fin (2 tahun). Kehampaan semakin dirasakannya  dengan sifat acuh Douglas padanya.

Susannah menjenguk ayah Rob yang tengah sakit keras. Lois, ibunya Rob, meyakinkan Susannah, bahwa Rob belum menikah. Perasaan cinta putranya hanya untuk Susannah. Rob pun kecewa mengetahui Susannah sedang menjalani pernikahan. Hanya berselang beberapa bulan dari pertemuan mereka, Rob menikah gadis yang jauh lebih muda darinya. Gadis militer dan dibesarkan oleh ibunya tanpa pernah mengenal ayahnya. Helena sangat mencintai pekerjaannya dan sering dikirim ke berbagai negara dalam urusan pekerjaannya.

Walau sudah menikah, perasaan Rob masih membuncah pada Susannah. Dalam ulang tahun yang ke empat puluh, Susannah kembali menikmati kebersamaan dengan Rob. Keduanya kasmaran, tetapi Rob menyimpan rasa bersalah pada istrinya, Helena. Keduanya pun sepakat ingin bersama dan meninggalkan pasangan masing-masing. Susannah akhirnya meninggalkan Douglas dan anak-anak tirinya Baik Susannah maupun anak-anak itu sangat sedih, anak-anak yang bukan miliknya. Berat bagi Doug dan anak-anaknya melepas Susannah. Beruntung Susannah masih memiliki apartemen kecil sebelum menikah. Kebahagiaan demi kebahagiaan sempat mereka rasakan sebelum berita kecelakaan membuat Rob berada pada situasi sulit.

Helena dan krunya mengalami kecelakaan helikopter saat bertugas, dua di antara penumpang meninggal. Penyintas satu-satunya adalah Helena. Kecelakaan parah telah merusak wajah dan kehilangan kakinya. Ia menjalani operasi plastik dan menggunakan kaki sintetis. Susannah mengerti posisi Rob yang tidak mungkin menjatuhkan perceraian manakala Helena terluka serius. Helena juga telah mengetahui hubungan Rob dan Susannah, wanita tegar itu tidak mau dikasihani. Tetapi Rob meyakinkannya bahwa ia memilih Helena karena ingin memulai sesuatu yang baru. Selain merasa bersalah jika ia meninggalkan Helena, ditambah lagi rasa sakit hati yang belum reda akan surat penghianatan Susannah di masa lalu.

Putusan Rob sangat pahit baginya, apalagi Susannah tengah hamil. Awalnya ia sempat inginkan kehamilan itu, namun ia sadar ia tak layak memiliki bayi Rob. Kehamilan itu tidak pernah diberitahukan pada siapapun. Usianya yang sudah tua mengakibatkan pengguguran bayinya terasa lebih sakit dari keguguran yang pernah ia alami dahulu. Ia tidak mempertahankannya, ia berusaha mengerti Rob. Susannah kembali kepada kehidupan lamanya, tanpa bayi, tanpa suami, kembali pada apartemen ketika ia masih muda. 

Sahabatnya Amelia, seorang penyintas kanker, mengumumkan ia telah terbebas dari kanker, mungkin ia akan merindukan jadwal kemoterapi. Mulanya Amelia menyalahkan tindakan Susannah kembali pada Rob yang membuat mereka sempat bermusuhan. Akhirnya Amelia menyadari keadaan Susannah dan mendukung sahabatnya itu. Tidak mudah bagi orang tua konservatif, dan aktif dalam lingkungan gereja menerima kegagalan pernikahan putri mereka. Ayah Susannah dengan bijak mendukung kehidupan putrinya tanpa pernah menghakimi putri satu-satunya itu.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Roofworld (1988), a novel by Christopher Fowler: Summary

The 396-page book was published by Arrow Books in 1989 and first published in 1988. Christopher Fowler is British novelist. Occult, mystery, murder, history, love, betray, and rooftop action: ropewalking, loping, leaping, and swinging on invisible ropes are twisted into unique story.

Roofworld (1988), a novel by Christopher Fowler: summary

A man called Imperator Chymes led an unusual rite, sacrificing a boy with powering the black powder covering his body for impurity of soul. His mouth was full of the sour of black mud, the boy refused to turn about and confront his captors. The light of London streets seemed blurred and muted by the falling rain. The body fell like a burning comet, his body ablaze with electrical fire, and he hit the rain-bloated gutter of the city street below.

Robert Linden worked for a film production company. He was interested on filming an untraceable novel The New Legacy. The novel would be filmed but he hardly found retaining the rights to the book. Robert Linden had got an untraceable book and a dead author, and the only person who can help him has gone missing. Then he called the publisher and giving him author’s agent. The offices of Paul Ashcroft & Associates informed him that Charlotte Endsleigh died recently. The old lady died at her home two weeks earlier, and it seemed she had misfortune to surprise the burglar. She was long divorced, but there was a daughter, Sarah, and by rights all decisions concerning the disposal of Charlotte Endsleigh. Sarah had vanished the day her mother was done in. Nobody mentioned her coming back to town.

The death boy who fell from a Coca-Cola sign was on the news. Stanley Cutt was there, journalist, a tabloid hack. A year earlier, Hargreave’s reputation had suffered badly when Cutt’s newspaper had publicly accused him of mishandling a case. Detective Chief Inspector Ian Hargreave had preliminary diagnosis on the boy, but Sergeant Janice Longbright was stick on waiting for the lab analysis. They found over forty feet of fine nylon tied around his waist and black dust in his mouth. Ian Hargreave studied it couldn’t have been an accident or committing suicide.

Rose Leonard was a former secretary and she enjoyed her new-found hobby. She had intended to set her tripod upon the roof and took some photographs of the curving terrace in the moonlight. The girl from second generation West Indian family was sure that she would graduate to developing her own photographs. The night was clear and cool and she was alone on the rooftops of London. She saw strangest things. Running figures, some loping, some of swinging on invisible ropes, bounding and leaping across the angled rooftops on the other side of the city. She managed the block alone. It’s her who got in troubles if they had vandals. She found them carving things on the floor. She didn’t call the police she Rose feared they came back and gave her a hard time. Charlotte was broke, and she even hardly paid her apartment.

Charlotte’s novel brought Linden to her life. Rose and Robert studied the photographs. They looked like inhuman, she found a girl in her late teens, dark, and attractive, her pale face, and free from make up. It was Sarah. She remembered the girl with black lipstick, purple hair, chalky face, fierce stuff. She had a shouting match with Charlotte. She turned up with a couple of creepy-looking dudes who looked like they were on drugs. Charlotte’s diary was led Linden to Order Roofworld. The group of people carried out its operations in accordance with phases of the moon. It’s headed by the ancient Greek deities.

Sarah told her mother about these people. Charlotte wrote it into a novel. The word of the New Age in her novel has brought the old lady to her death. Nathaniel Zalian was appeared on the note. The doctor was practising physician at a hospital in 1980, but he had to give his resignation request after allegation of malpractice. His case was settled out of court. The divorced man in 1982 was subsequently joined alcoholic rehabilitation program. But he vanished after selling his apartment and closing bank account, and missing drug case.

The city was full of Christmas shoppers. Detective Chief Inspector Ian Hargreave gave his man task of removing second victim’s body from atop railings building. There had connection with the two deaths before. The boy with mouthful of Egyptian silt, raven’s feathers, falling from the roof, chemical elements, a few drug traces. Ian tried to link the murder to ancient Egyptian.  The third body was bald, naked, and of the male gender, it’s only eyes and fingernails showed white. It appeared to have fallen from the sky. Detective Constable Martin Butterworth had entered the force in order to keep peace with his father, the commissioner. Ian assigned him to investigate the three deaths.

Rose and Robert was now a team to find Sarah. The photographs and Charlotte’s notebook led them to some name, Sarah’s friend. Nick from 7N Krewe knew about Michael aka Toad. He gave them a name. Simon said normally a person wouldn’t be allowed to meet with the group just because need to locate someone. The group came from university graduates, Rastafarians, and punk and they were all hundreds. A lot of people below the poverty line were willing to give up what little they had and started over.

Back in the twenties, the Roofworld wasn’t just a way out, but it was a sanctuary for anyone who needed to drop out of sight. There were about thirty of them left and a few day most of them would be gone. Simon, Jay, and Lee ushered them like a new member. They taught Rose and Linden how to using the equipment. In second, Rose was halfway across the space between two buildings. She was exhilarated by her successful crossing and nobody noticed they were up the rooftops. Most of members were taught ropewalk. There was always been a symbolic ceremony for those who wanted to become part of the Roofworld.

The blonde man reached the far side of the roof and sat down on the low concrete lip running around the edge, inviting Rose and Linden did the same. Sarah was her lover and she had done dangerous thing. She had told her mother about New Age. The object she was sworn never to mention to outsiders. Zalian wanted Charlotte’s notebook to discover Sarah’s exact whereabouts.

Finch, the forensic man, studied the body with purely professional interest. Before his death, Nick had been dragged over thighs like cobbles or bricks. There were brick fragments scraping the femur and tibia. Stanley Cutt may have filed some pretty dumb stories in his time. When his informant, Nick, failed to reappear in the arcade the previous night, he had begun to sense that something was seriously wrong. Stan could still smell a powerful story in making. It had taken time and money and even a couple of drug purchases. He had been introduced to member of N7 Krewe in particularly to Nick who had a body of a sickly child. Nick was greedy for money. Stan struggled to release his hands from their binding, knowing now Nick was dead and his death was sure to follow the suit.

Zalian was almost certain that Chymes will try to locate the Roofworld. Under the leadership of Zalian , each day in the Roofworld had taken on different aspects an extraordinary adventure. He had given theme a sense of community and purpose. Zalian had been their teacher, their guide, their friend and adviser. New Age was taken their leaders, their best men and women. They were torturing them, and they would kill them. Just as the Roofworld was an old society rooted in good, but Chymes seemed to honor something much more ancient and evil. Zalian was Sarah’s lover. When Zalian asked for volunteers to infiltrate the New Age, Sarah wanted to go like Toad and Samuel. Sarah was discovered.

Roofworld stole from the major multi international corporations. Lee was one of the best hackers. When long-termers had enough up, they returned to the ground. Roofeters started peaceful and ordered life – the Old Boys network. They fixed up old Boys and Girls with jobs at the multies, as janitors, secretaries, clerks at every level. They just kept their eyes and ears open and reported back to up. In return, Roofworld paid them supplementary wage.

More people became Chymes’s disciples. New Age gave attractive package; free drugs, money, and sex, whatever he felt like offering them. In return was their loyalty. By taking control on Roofworld, New Age would be complete. The twelve key members of Zalian’s order would be sacrificed. The doctor and his Roofworld would be destroyed. Butterworth was sent up to find out what happened. The two orders was at the rooftop’s fighting. Chymes’s body trashed and banged against the wall of the tower and his rival got hurt. The battle ended, the remaining members of the New Age were skulking away like wounded animals, adrift without their leader.

Butterworth gave his final report to Hargreave- a false report. Chymes was a one-time mental patient. He had developed a penchant for climbing tall buildings. His habit of kidnapping random and subsequently took on murdering them on the tops of London landmarks. No gang wars, no rituals killings, just the workings of a deranged maniac. But Hargreave found W. Chymes and by his calculation, Chymes would be approximately one hundred and twenty years old.

He imagined the existence of a centuries-old society whose leaders had taken turns to adopt the mantle of ancient alchemist known as Chymes. He wanted to investigate the matter further, but then thought struck him. If the press ever got this one, they would drag his tarnished reputation. It was too great risk to take. Butterworth was pleased that he had finally figure out what to do with his life. Sarah kindly has granted Linden the rights to her mother’s book. Zalian was at rest now. Sarah and Lee buried him. Five months later, Linden delivered the first draft of Newgate Legacy script to the agent. Rose and Butterworth joined the Roofworld.

Sekapur Sirih

Pada awal halaman sejumlah deretan kata agak sulit dicerna, namun halaman demi halaman berikut makin mudah dipahami. Sejumlah kata kerja dan kata benda yang tidak umum banyak ditemui, membuat karya ini istimewa. Buku bertema okultisme, misteri, dan thriler ini kurang tepat bagi pembaca pemula pembelajar bahasa Inggris. Christopher Fowler adalah novelis berkebangsaan Inggris. Buku sejumlah 396 halaman ini diterbitkan oleh Arrow Book Inggris tahun 1989, sedangkan edisi pertamanya tahun 1988.

Ada secuil ketidakpuasan tersisa, yakni kurang luasnya paparan akan tokoh jahat Chymes, tapi plot ceritanya cukup menarik; membuat penasaran apa sesungguhnya ordo atau perkumpulan Roofworld yang gemar melompat atap gedung, apa motif mereka membunuh para anggotanya, dan dari mana sumber dana untuk bertahan hidup ditambah perlengkapan mahal kegiatan organisasi. Buku ini mengandung kesadisan, darah tertumpah di sepanjang cerita sehingga lebih cocok bagi pembaca cukup umur.

Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia: Roofworld (Dunia Atap) karya Christopher Fowler

Seorang pekerja rumah produksi film tengah mencari tema untuk film. Robert Linden telah mempelajari sebuah novel unik menurutnya, The Newgate Legacy. Sang pencari ide pun semakin penasaran, sebab penulis baru saja mati terbunuh, ditambah kesulitan mencari Sarah Endsleigh, anak satu-satunya  dari penulis. Pengacara novelis itu sudah mengingatkan, jika novel itu sama sekali tidak laku di pasaran, tapi Robert tetap bersikukuh memasukkan dalam daftar pekerjaannya. Berbekal alamat apartmen mendiang novel, Robert pun berkenalan  dengan pengelola apartemen yang juga tinggal di blok yang sama dengan  Charlotte Endsleigh. Selain pengelola, gadis berkulit gelap, Rose, bisa dibilang nama dari kelas menengah, kini memiliki hobi fotografi.

Wanita muda yang pernah bekerja sebagai sekretaris, senang menuangkan hobinya di atap apartemennya. Secara tidak sengaja, dia menangkap kegiatan aneh dan sempat mengabadikan beberapa gambar pada kamera. Aktifitas ganjil di atap-atap gedung.  Sekelompok orang meloncat, melompat lincah dan cekatan seperti monyet di hutan.

Menurut laporan polisi dan keterangan saksi, Charlotte Endsleigh, telah dibunuh dalam upaya perampokan beberapa hari yang lalu. Rose sendiri ragu, sebab membayar uang apartemen saja wanita tua itu kesulitan. Setelah kematian ibunya, putrinya Sarah sulit ditemukan dan menghilang entah ke mana. Aneh juga, keluarga pewaris membawa beberapa kardus barang berharga mendiang Charlotte, padahal selama ini mereka tidak pernah peduli pada wanita tua itu. Dari apartemen Charlotte, Robert menemukan sebuah diari yang tertinggal, catatan harian yang cukup aneh. Namun setelah disimak banyak mengungkap misteri dan beberapa bagian berkaitan dengan novel yang dibacanya.

Rose dan Robert kian akrab. Robert botak dan terlihat tua dalam usia tiga puluhnya sementara Rose cantik, muda, dalam usianya yang ke dua puluh lima, keduanya terlihat kurang sepadan. Kini mereka tengah berusaha mencari keberadaan Sarah, untuk ijin pengangkatan novel itu menjadi film. Foto hasil jepretan Rose rupanya sangat membantu. Wajah wanita pucat tanpa riasan make-up, dengan rambut ala punk muncul dengan anak punk lainnya dalam foto. Pelompat atap itu ternyata tidak lain adalah Sarah. Keduanya pun mendatangi beberapa anak punk demi mencari teman Sarah.

Dengan petunjuk anak punk yang juga merupakan anggota perkumpulan  itu, Nick seorang anak muda yang lebih tepat dinilai sebagai anak bandal dan bertampang pecandu narkoba, memberi petunjuk nama orang dan nama bar di mana menemukan Sarah atau kawan-kawannya. Robert dan Rose berhasil bertemu Simon. Anak muda itu dengan sukarela dan akrab menceritakan perkumpulan mereka namun dia tetap saja tidak memberitahu di mana keberadaan Sarah. Dalam catatan harian penulis Charlotte, dijelaskan sekilas tentang ordo New Age dengan penjelasan samar.

Berita tentang tiga orang korban jatuh dari atap di kota London menjadi berita besar, di tengah suasana beberapa hari menjelang perayaan Natal pada tahun 1980-an. Di saat mal dipadati para pembelanja, lagu Natal diperdengarkan, riuhnya aktifitas taksi kota metropolitan itu, tiga mayat lelaki muda mati dan terjatuh dari atap. Berita yang mengkuatirkan warga London. Ketiga korban memiliki kesamaan: sama-sama anak muda punk, leher atau tubuhnya sudah dijerat oleh benda metal sebelum dijatuhnya, ditemukan simbol penyembahan Mesir kuno. Tentu saja nurani Detektif Ian Hargreave dan rekannya Janice Longbright membuncah, selain didesak media untuk segera menyelesaikan kasus sadis itu.

Wartawan yang biasa meliput kriminial, Stanley Cutt memberitakan ketiga pembunuhan  dan Ian pun menaruh curiga pada jurnalis itu. Kehadirannya selalu sigap, datang ke tempat kejadian perkara, selalu mendahului polisi. Cutt juga pernah menulis tentang kesalahan Ian Hargreave dalam sebuah kasus, mempermalukan reputasi sang detektif kepala itu.

Rose dan Robert sama-sama berkesimpulan pada penyembahan okultisme. Robert sadar bahwa kumpulan itu berbahaya namun dia dan Rose sudah terlanjur terlibat dan menceburkan diri bergabung dengan ordo Roofworld demi mencari keberadaan Sarah. Nick telah dibunuh dan Simon kawan Sarah hilang diduga dibunuh, dan Lee lelaki berwajah Asia hilang. Kini Robert dan Rose dalam masalah serius, mereka berada di tengah pembunuhan sadis bertolak belakang dengan kehidupan mereka. Kehidupan jauh dari keadaan pembunuhan. Jurnalis Cutt ditemukan mati mengenaskan, seperti si tamak Nick, sebagai nara sumber rahasianya selama ini. New Age tidak memberi ruang bagi mereka bila terlalu jauh bicara tentang ordo mereka.

Dr. Zalian sosok yang disebutkan oleh Charlotte dalam catatan hariannya, tidaklah sejahat yang dibayangkan. Lelaki pirang dan bersahaja menyambut Rose dan Linden sebagai anggota Roofworld. Keduanya telah melalu tes dan dibekali pelatihanan lompat atap gedung sebelum dibaptis menjadi anggota Roofworld. Penuh keyakinan, Linden menuduh Zalian telah membunuh Charlotte.

Dokter praktek pernah berhadapan dengan hukum meyakinkan Linden, kelompoknya sama sekali tidak membunuh wanita penulis itu. Charlotte telah menuliskan ordo New Age pada novelnya, objek yang tidak seharusnya dibeberkan pada publik. Ordo New Age yang dipimpin Chymes bertanggung jawab atas pembunuhan itu. Sarah, gadis punk, adalah kekasih Zalian semasa di Roofworld. Gadis itu bergabung dengan Chymes, diam-diam sebagai mata-mata pada organisasi bentukan Chymes.

Mantan murid dokter itu telah berhianat dengan membuka ordo baru bernama New Age, perkumpulan yang sangat keras dan sadis. Apalagi jika bukan silau kekuasaan, Chymes bertindak gila menyimpang dari semangat Roofworld. Sebagian besar anggota Roofworld telah berpindah pada New Age. Padahal Zalian telah membangun Roofworld dari keruntuhannya, organisasi itu hampir mati setelah lima decade, akan tetapi dokter itu mampu menghidupkannya lagi.

Pendiri awal Roofworld membangun perkumpulan itu karena kekecewaan mereka akan dunia bawah. Anggota mereka sangatlah beragam, dari kaum Rastafarian, punk, sarjana, dan orang-orang di bawah garis kemiskinan. Mereka tidak membunuh. Menikmati kehidupan di atas gedung terasa lepas. Melompat sana-sini tanpa ada yang tahu, anggota mereka sempat ribuan orang pada awal tahun 20-an. Kini Zalian hanya memilki 32 anggota saja dan beberapa hari lagi Roofworld akan mati. Pesaingnya New Age telah menguasai dunia atap.

Chymes menawarkan kebebasan pada anggota New Age, konsumsi narkoba, seks, serta kemewahan yang tidak mereka dapatkan dalam ordo Roofworld. Pendanaannya juga meniru pola Roofworld dengan meretas rekening perusahaan raksasa. Ahli peretas dan semua kaki tangan Roofworld dibajak ordo pesaing. Kaki tangan yang selama ini hidup di antara manusia di bawah; ditempatkan di gedung-gedung bekerja seperti normal, dari satpam hingga penyapu jalan bergabung dengan Chymes. Mereka mengadopsi ritual Mesir kuno dan Yunani kuno. Chymes semakin gila dengan membunuh tiga anak muda, melakukan ritual sadis masyarakat kuno dari masa lalu. Menjerat leher korban dengan kabel, memasukkan lumpur hitam, dan menyuntikkan cairan kimia, hingga menjatuhkan ke jalanan kota London. Seolah New Age menghiraukan keberadaan hukum dan penghuni di London.

Kini Zalian dan Linden menjadi satu tim untuk menyelamatkan Sarah. Pertarungan dengan alat modern terjadi di atap tanpa diketahui orang-orang bawah. Mereka cekatan berjalan di atas kabel, melompat antar gedung. Tidak mudah mengalahkan kelompok New Age karena mereka lebih banyak dan perlengkapan lebih lengkap. Dengan bersusah payah, akhirnya New Age mundur satu persatu setelah pemimpinnya Chymes terbunuh. Banyak korban jatuh termasuk Zalian.

Tidaklah sia-sia, Linden akhirnya mendapat persetujuan dari Sarah untuk proyek pembuatan film. Bahkan gadis itu memberikan hak cipta karya ibunya pada Linden. Rose Leonard memilih menjadi anggota Roofworld. Rupanya detektif muda Butterworth lebih tertarik dengan dunia atap ketimbang menjadi polisi. Niatnya menjadi polisi hanyalah ingin berdamai dengan ayahnya, seorang komisioner. Selepas memberikan laporan palsu atas sejumlah kematian mengenaskan di pusat kota London, atas kejahatan Chymes, detektif bermuka imut mengundurkan diri. Hargreave mempelajari laporan Butterworth dan meragukannya.

Nama Chymes muncul di pangkalan data computer, bila dihitung dia telah berumur seratus dua puluh tahun. Kepala polisi itu hendak menyelidiki lebih lanjut, tapi sesuatu menghentikan pikirannya. Jika kelak wartawan mengetahui sebuah ordo dipimpin oleh orang yang berumur seabad, maka jelas reputasinya akan memburuk. Dia pun memutuskan kasus ditutup, dia tidak mau malu untuk ke dua kalinya.

Anggota Roofworld tersisa bersatu ingin menghidupkan kembali ordo ke jalan benar dan bahkan teman mereka; Lee dan Spice merencanakan bertualang ke menara WTC New York. Rona bahagia terpancar dari Rosi dan Butterworth, keduanya, menemukan kebebasan dalam hidup, semenjak mengenal kehidupan dunia atap.