The main character, Reuben Bourne has similar suffering to
Job’s. He looses his infant son, small daughter, and his wife. His moral
principles abort him to do the vengeance to his enemy’s family. It’s so unfair
to see the bad guy playing tender father and husband meanwhile he destroys
other family. Although Bourne was too kind and too forgiving but it’s a good
book with well-written one. If you’re looking for an action thriller with
well-developed characters and a plot that keep you guessing, then you might
want to give this book a try.
This book is 338 pages long. The first edition was published
in 1975 while this Warner Books edition was printed in April 1993, USA. The
writer is a former Professor of American Literature at University of Iowa, U.S.
His many novels include Rambo (First Blood Part II, 1985) and Rambo III,
(1988). Testament is the second novel of all his works. According to Mr.
Morrell’s note in Introduction in 1991, the title is an allusion to the Bible –
in particular the Old Testament Book of Job.
Testament, a Novel by David Morrel
The death of a cat, Samantha, was the first attack from
Kess. Hours passed his infant son, Ethan was death too. It was poison in the
milk. Reuben Bourne was a writer of book and article for magazine. He got lucky
three years before with a novel that almost made the best sell lists and was
turned into a movie. Once he wrote an article about Kess’s organization, he
knew what kind of man Kess was.
The year before, three of Kess’s lieutenants had been
charged with attempt assassination. That was in Hartford, Connecticut – their
target a third term U.S Senator. The Kess organization run the company
manufactures chemicals and electronics equipment. They need quick access to
those chemicals and electronic instruments required for the kind of
sophisticated explosives they plan to use in time of emergency. Kess told him
months before that there were dozens organizations like them. And Bourne
checked. They were everywhere, in industry, and government, in law enforcement
and the military. Mercy was not Kess’s way.
His young daughter Sarah had been assaulted at school. And
the logical thing that It was the armed policeman. The revolver’s barrel had
ripped her. The two detectives, Webster and Ford were not enough to protect
her. His son was dead, his daughter assaulted, his home on fire, and threatened
calls. He tried to ask the FBI but Kess didn’t keep membership records. There was a rumor he was in the British West
Indies. Another rumor told that he was in Hawaii. He brought his wife Claire
and Sarah and decided and talked to the real estate. But the attackers found
Galloping up through trees and streams, they had to get as
far as off by then they could. They arrived in Marrerro, an abandon town, and
met an old man. He admitted the whole reason for living up in the very first
place was there to stay away from people. Claire studied the records, the old
man told lies. The town had not been left because of smallfox but the placer
gold deposits just gave out and people moved on the better pickings.
The attackers almost killed them, the explosion that blew
apart the hotel. The old man helped Reuben shot the attackers. But the old man
had come after them because they were burning his town, and now he was burning
the town himself and he wasn’t out to get them no matter reason. And this was
why the old man had stopped them from running and this was why Sarah and Claire
were huddled freezing in the drifts in the snowy long grass, hiding and Bourne
couldn’t hold it in anymore, shooting him until death.
Bourne was just swinging around to the stall where Claire
screamed, and looking up the guy standing had a rifle pointed at them. He was young and dress in white the same as
the other guy, hood thrown back, fumbling to draw his gun (It is quite similar
to Ku Klux Klan, but writer never mentioned that word in whole story, see it on
page 244). They galloped out of the valley. A shot behind them hit Claire, her
bloody gaping face leading her down off the horse.
Now, it was him and his daughter. Time lost all significance
for him. They were been in the tunnel. The wolves woke him and he realized that
the wind must be carrying their commotion to him but the horses were skittering
nervously just the same. When they got out of the tunnel to get warm a
helicopter crisscrossed hundred yards down from them, he assumed they were
after him. The storm seemed never end. Sarah and Bourne slept and woke and
The air grew foul from their breath and the smell of the
fire and horse meat. He lumped down exhausted, fighting to breathe. Sarah just
kept coughing longer, harder, drinking less, and sleeping more. She could get
sick from not enough oxygen or too little salt or her blood thinning out. One morning
she was dead. It was just him and a dog and the dog helped him. On the first
warm day he came down off the mountain. Six days later, he finally came down
through the wash of rock and timber that he and Claire and Sarah had gone up
that first day, hiking across the various levels down toward their cabin.
Bourne had gone to the real-estate man. He told him his
friends had come in just like he told, every month to pay the rent. It was the
only reason why the place would have not been touched. Bourne counted the days
and finally three men checked their watches, and then as if they had all agreed
on started shootings, shotguns blowing the window of cabin. Bourne fired the
attackers and let two of them alive. He had made those guys talk before they
died as well. It took him a year to visit his house and went back to the
cemetery where Ethan was buried.
Then he made his way back toward the hill and he found where
Claire was, where the guy had said and she had one ear gone as the guy had said
and he quickly covered her again. He didn’t want to bother her just sprinkled
the dust he had gathered from the grave of Ethan. Of the year, it had taken him
the summer, fall and winter getting there. He had gone around to the people the
guy had mentioned when he was torturing him, getting other names, higher ones,
and finally he had got a lead. He worked back and forth the country, using
different names, having different appearance, and taking jobs on farms.
It was a farm, a big wide spreading house and a barn and
sheds and everything was white against the green of growing crops. A family was
eating at backyard table, Kess, his wife, two daughters, and a son. They were
eating, talking, and smiling. He could see the bodyguard by the corner of the
garage and another just inside the house. Every time he sighted in on Kess’s
daughter, the child blurred to Sarah. He switched to the boy and thought Ethan
and the woman was Claire. All he could think of was his position in reverse of
himself being killed, and Claire, Sarah, and Ethan looking at him. He told
himself he was foolish. He simply couldn’t do it.
Sekapur Sirih
Novel Testament bergenre thriller aksi merupakan karya kedua
dari penulis David Morrell yang pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1975. Namun
buku setebal 338 halaman ini merupakan terbitan pertama Warner Book pada April
1993, USA. Penulis adalah mantan Professor Kesusastraan Amerika di Universitas
Iowa Amerika Serikat. Dari sederetan karyanya Rambo (First Blood Bagian II) dan
Rambo III, yang difilmkan, dan diperankan Sylvester Stallone adalah
masterpisnya. Buku fiksi ini menemani saya berlibur menikmati indahnya pantai
Senggigi, Lombok dan jernihnya laut dan butiran pasir luar biasa cantik di tiga
pulau: Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, dan Gili Meno pada Oktober 2010 lalu.
Pada bagian Pengantar, penulis mengatakan bila judul
terinspirasi dari kitab the Old Testament (Perjanjian Lama), Buku Job, dimana
Job orang kaya-raya, seorang percaya, baik dan taat pada Tuhan diuji kesetiaan
dan keimanannya. Dia kehilangan harta benda, istri, anak-anaknya yang
dikasihinya, dan sahabat-sahabatnya tapi dia tetap menjadi orang baik dan
percaya pada Tuhan. Tokoh utama, Reuben Bourne kehilangan bayi lelakinya, putri
kecilnya, dan isterinya. Dan tidak hanya itu, musuhnya tidak lelah mengejarnya.
Ketika upaya balas dendam sudah di depan mata dia batalkan
niatnya atas dasar moral. Dia berpikir jika dia membunuh anak-anak dan isteri
musuhnya maka si musuh akan merasakan kehampaan dan penderitaan yang sama
seperti dirinya. Memang sangatlah tidak adil akhir cerita, penjahat duduk
tenang memainkan peranan ayah dan suami baik padahal dia sudah menghancurkan
keluarga lain. Kendati demikian, novel ini tetaplah bagus dan ditulis dengan
bahasa yang bagus. Tepat dijadikan acuan pembelajaran novel berbahasa Inggris,
dituliskan dengan kalimat dan bahasanya bagus.
Terjemahan (Ringkasan) dalam bahasa Indonesia: Testament, novel karya
David Morrell
Seorang penulis dengan bayinya lelaki berumur lima bulan,
putri kecilnya berusia 8 tahun, dan istrinya, beberapa tahun ini menikmati
hidup di sebuah daerah dengan penghasilan dari bukunya. Reuben Bourne, penulis
yang sukses dari bukunya dan artikel-artikelnya di majalah dan bahkan tiga
tahun sebelumnya novelnya telah difilmkan, baru saja kehilangan kucingnya
karena diracun orang. Tidak berapa lama kematian bayinya, Ethan, dengan racun
dalam susu. Pikirannya pun tertuju pada Kess, pria keras yang pernah ditulisnya
pada artikel majalah. Dia menduga tulisannya itu telah memicu amarahnya. Pihak
kepolisian pun berusaha melindungi keluarga itu dengan mengadakan penjagaan
namun putri kecilnya, Sarah mendapat serangan ketika di sekolah.
Tidak berhenti di situ, pelemparan Molotov koktail yang
menyebabkan kebakaran rumahnya, dering telepon yang berisi ancaman dan
intimidasi membuat keluarga Bourne semakin kacau. Istrinya Claire sangat
depresi akibat kematian bayi Ethan, serta ancaman dan serangan bertubi-tubi
membuat Bourne memutuskan untuk meninggalkan rumahnya. Pindah dari satu tempat
ke tempat lain. Claire pun mati oleh peluru penyerang. Kini tinggallah
perjuangannya bersama putrinya menjelajahi hutan nan dingin. Dengan mengandalkan
kuda dan bekal makanan kaleng yang terbatas mereka berusaha bertahan.
Badai salju yang tebal memaksanya tinggal dan hidup di
sebuah gua yang dingin selama berhari-hari dengan mengorbankan kudanya sebagai
makanan. Putrinya tidak mampu bertahan akibat cuaca dan makanan yang kurang.
Cuaca menghangat, dia pun keluar gua. Setelah menguburkan putrinya, dia pun
berhasil keluar dari hutan. Dia akhirnya menemukan anak buah penjahat yang
menyerangnya dan keluarganya. Sederetan nama dari bawahan hingga petinggi serta
alamat mereka dikantonginya. Penyamaran demi penyamaran dilakukannya; dari
buruh pertanian, pencat rumah, dan hingga pekerjaan-pekerjaan kasar lainnya
yang tidak memerlukan identitas untuk memburu dan menghabisi komplotan
penjahat. Mereka adalah orang berjubah
putih, bertopeng, dan bertutup kepala putih.
Penulis tidak pernah menggunakan kata Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
tetapi cirinya seperti itu (hlm 244 ). Dugaannya tidak salah bahwa Kess
adalah kepala komplotan itu dan menjadi target akhir. Ketika dia menyaksikan
Kess duduk makan malam dengan dua putranya yang masih kecil dan putrinya yang
masih remaja, dan isterinya, hatinya pun bergerak mundur dan tidak tega
menghabisi mereka. Jika dia membunuh keluarganya maka Kess akan mengalami
kehampaan dan penderitaan sama seperti dirinya. Dia memilih membatalkan niatnya
itu dan memulai hidup baru di tempat lain bersama anjingnya.
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